Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I love being a student! ~ Cas Holmes Workshop

taking a workshop
Friends in the art zone! Pamela Underwood, me (Jane LaFazio) and Helen Shafer Garcia
As you may know, I'm a huge fan of the fiber artist, Cas Holmes. I was able to arrange a 4 day workshop for her, here in San Diego, over this past weekend.
cas holmes
Cas Holmes, in my living room, in front of the quilt I purchased from her a few years ago.
taking a workshop
Wonderful students, beautiful venue at NTC Liberty Station Barracks 17

Me, as the happy student!
Happy Student!! (me)
I love to learn and I love to take workshops and to have 4 days to be a student and absorb and be inspired was just wonderful.
taking a workshop
a small work in progress, from day 2 of the workshop ~ by Jane LaFazio

taking a workshop
Of course, I got everyone to do a Yoga Poses in Public Places!


  1. Jane, you are having so much fun, is that legal? Have a great time!

  2. it was so much fun being a student again! oh what a fine mess we made!

  3. Wow! You guys had a LOT of room! Very cool!

  4. LOVED reading this! We had a great time with Cas in Scottsdale, too. THANK YOU so much for nudging me towards hosting her in AZ. We were all so lucky to have the opportunity to learn from her. xo

  5. The workshop looks like a lot of fun, and the little piece you created is really beautiful!

  6. OH, how I wish I could take one of her workshops. I do hope she comes to Florida someday.

  7. Looks like great fun. Wish I could have been there too.

  8. Bonjour chère amie,

    Comment résister ? Assister à vos cours doit être sublime...
    Vos photos en disent long.
    Je vous fais de gros bisous ♡

  9. Great post! Awesome class, huh?!!! I'm still missing Cas, and both Craig and I are still talking about what a great experience it was having her as our houseguest.

  10. Wow, when you guys work, you spread out! I love your work in progress!

  11. Oh what fun. I'd take a class with any of you ladies if I had the chance! :)

  12. Like you I was on a Cas Holmes workshop in February in England. An inspirational teacher, I learnt so much


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