Thursday, May 15, 2014

Modern Hand Stitching

hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio

hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio

In case you didn't know it, I love to hand stitch. I usually stitch in the evenings and it relaxes me, and keeps my hands busy while I watch TV with my husband. I use a few simple stitches, mostly relying on the repetition of the simple stitch and beautiful threads to make the impact in my art quilts.
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio

But I needed a boost, and inspiration to add to the way I work. 

Not change it, just add to it.

hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
hand stitching ~ Jane LaFazio
detail of hand stitching by Jane LaFazio
My friend, Ruth Chandler, has written a book that's done just that. Inspired me, but not overwhelmed me with stitches I'm never going to do. In her book, Modern Hand Stitching, She shows how to do a simple, basic stitch and then gives the reader a bunch of different ways to use, change and layer that basic stitch to create something new. 
Modern Hand Stitching by Ruth Chandler

Ruth writes about how to create this little cloth stitchbook (below), in her book, Modern Hand Quilting. I think it's a great little project and would be a wonderful inspiration book to keep on hand with my stitching stuff.
 Or for new stitcher, as a learning tool.
Stitchbook by Ruth Chandler
Stitchbook by Ruth Chandler

and here's a video, from the publisher, about Modern Hand Stitching:


  1. Hi Jane. I've been following (and loving!) your blog for ages and I'm on the current but nearly over Sketch Book Skool which has been inspirational all round. Your stitching and art quilts are a real joy and I was amazed when I saw your post about Modern Hand Stitching because I just bought that book too and am finding it a great resource.
    Keep on with the good work (I didn't do the yoga pose due to slightly wonky knees which creak a lot if I try to do that sort of thing - most embarrassing!)

  2. I haven't tried embroidery in years, since I was a kid. But your review of the book stirred up memories, and I had to order it! Let's see what happens...

  3. I love, love, love to hand stitch, almost a day doesn't go by that I'm not hand stitching. Thanks for sharing the, lovely book your friend wrote and some detailed photos of your hand stitching. I going to try and figure out your turquoise loop stitch it looks like fun.

  4. I agree with Sandi, I love the free-floating turquoise loops! Great write-up re: Ruth's book, I just put it in my Amazon shopping cart. xo

  5. This book looks amazing. I think I must have it. I haven't bought a stitch book since Judith Baker Mon... I loved hers. This one will be a perfect addition.

  6. thanks for sharing. Looks like an amazing book!

  7. The modern hand stitching definitely gives some exciting texture. I will have to give it a try too.

  8. I just ordered the book and am excited to see if I can add modern hand stitching to my repetoire!


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