Wednesday, May 07, 2014

My sketchbook ~ in the news


 My artwork is a cover girl on this ebook, Sketchbook Keeping for Fiber Artists from Quilting Arts magazine

And Quilting Arts featured me on their blog with printmaking ideas from your sketchbook and how to transfer your drawings to fabric using printmaking  

So, if you're not working in a sketchbook yet, this should convince you! 

So, sign up for Sketchbook Skool! They are rerunning my semester, Semester One, starting in July! and this time, limiting it to 500 students, so sign up now! It really is loads of fun and soooo much inspiration! I'm one of 6 teachers including Danny Gregory, Koosje Koene, Roz Stendahl, Prash Miranda and Tommy Kane
sketchbook skool


  1. Bonjour,
    Toutes mes félicitations ! C'est formidable d'avoir son art qui paraisse dans un ouvrage.
    ❁ Gros bisous ❁ ❀ ❤︎ ❀

  2. Congratulations Jane! Sketchbook Skool has been awesome, I'm so glad I signed up! Thanks for teaching us! (


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