Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cooking Lesson with Chef Moreno, on the shores of Lake Como

from my sketchbook in Italy
from my sketchbook ~ Jane LaFazio

cooking class with Chef Moreno
the subject
One of the highlights of the trip was our day of cooking lessons with Chef Moreno.
cooking class with Chef Moreno
learning to make raviolis
from my sketchbook, in progress
from my sketchbook ~ in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook, in progress
from my sketchbook ~ in progress ~ Jane LaFazio

from my sketchbook in Italy
from my sketchbook  ~ Jane LaFazio
cooking class with Chef Moreno
we had the whole place, just for our group
cooking class with Chef Moreno

cooking class with Chef Moreno
first course: light as a feather raviolis
cooking class with Chef Moreno
The best risotto and roasted chicken ~ EVER!


  1. pooh my mouth is watering. I love how you captured the experience in your photos and journal page.

  2. Wonderful! Photos and sketch/watercolors captured it perfectly. I could practically smell and taste everything. xo

  3. Your sketches make my mouth water and bring back many good memories from our honeymoon on nearby Lake Lugano many years ago... xo Silke


Thanks so much for visiting!