Wednesday, June 18, 2014

French Peonies, peonies and more peonies

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

I do love a farmers market and the ones in France are pretty spectacular. From all these photos I took, of peonies, you'd think there was nothing but a market full of peonies! I adore peonies. I seem to have an obsession, in fact.

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

Peonies ~ from French farmers markets

I think I might make these photos into a printed book or maybe framed prints or prints on canvas..or something, so I can look at these all the time! Got any suggestions on how I can live with my beautiful peonies?

I did make an art quilt, inspired by these images. I'll show you that in my next post!


  1. Gosh those are gorgeous! Love peonies as well. Paint them, make thank you cards out of them, manipulate them in PS to create a piece that can be framed, use it as desktop image, make a mouse pad out of it, coffee cup....there's no bad way to show these. Thank you for sharing! Jan at Jypsy Studio

  2. These are so incredibly beautiful, Jane. The first time I saw one was in a sidewalk flower stand in New York City of all places! I didn't know what they were - thought maybe roses. They became and still are my favorite flower. I planted a bush two years ago on the side of our house after getting tired of my hubby's objections that they attract ants. What's a few ants when you can have these to admire!!!!

  3. Wow. They are a fabulous sight.

  4. Jane these are my most favorite flowers. I would love to see how you would paint them. I would love to do these but would love to also see how you tackle them.Can't wait to see the art quilt. Loving the pics from you trip/workshop. Will be spending a month in Tuscany in August cannot wait.

  5. Think you for sharing these beautiful photos, Jane. I like the idea of incorporating them into a book.
    Your trip sounded amazing! What a special way to explore art while experiencing Italy and France. I have enjoyed your inspiring travel tales.

  6. They are beautiful! I love peonies too. They would make a gorgeous book cover.


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