Friday, June 27, 2014

Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird

poke salad annie series ~ green bird in progress
in progress 
poke salad annie series ~ green bird in progress
BeBop ~ my self proclaimed studio assistant
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" by Jane LaFazio (10x14inches)
If you've been following my blog for a while, you know I've been a little obsessed with the Poke Weed I saw in Central Park last September. I'd never seen it before and fell in love with the gorgeous colors. Since then, I've been working on individual pieces, within that theme. I thought I was going to create one large quilt, using all the pieces...but I didn't. Instead, I have created 5 small  quilts for my "Poke Salad Annie Series," and here is the first completed one.
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird (detail)
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" detail by Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird (detail)
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" detail by Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird (detail)
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" detail by Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird (detail)
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" detail by Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird (detail)
"Poke Salad Annie Series ~ Green Bird" detail by Jane LaFazio
I call this technique of creation and assembly "Free Spirited Free Motion." I'll be teaching it this summer at CREATE in Chicago on Friday, August 15 and at CREATE Seattle Thursday, October 23.


  1. Pokeberries are really dear to me..had a huge patch on our NJ fence, on the edge of a private lake...this series is really,truly appealing to me..very nice...

  2. Loving every inch! Spectacular!

  3. really interesting and beautiful, Jane, the hand embroidery is the best touch.

  4. Your pokeberry series is wonderful! I giggle every time I read about your new discovery of pokeberries. We used to squish them up and cover ourselves with pokeberry juice when we were kids. Then again, we used to have frog egg fights in the spring too...a story for another day.. :P

  5. Every time I see poke weed (and it's a daily event around here in the summer), I think of you…..and I smile! :)



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