Sunday, June 22, 2014

Walking (and eating) on the French Riviera

French Riveria
French Riveria
Some of our group

These two trips were created and led by the fabulous Carlo Roberts. She does art walks, with me, but she also does The Blue Walk, for walkers who (gasp) don't want to draw and paint. So, on my trips, we mix the drawing and painting with walking the simply gorgeous French Riviera. Here's one of those walks...
French Riveria
Of course, we had to do Yoga Poses in Public Places!
French RiveriaFrench Riveria

and on another note:
Antibes, FranceAntibes, France
See these women. They are sitting in a chocolate cave! yes, the walls are chocolate! I have very very few regrets in my life, but I regret not sitting down with them and ordering a couple of these fabulous desserts...
Antibes, FranceAntibes, France

from my sketchbook ~ France 2014
from my sketchbook ~ Jane LaFazio (in my JaneVille Etsy shop)

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