Sunday, July 20, 2014

Channeling Liz Steel (and a bit about Sketchbook Skool)

from my sketchbook ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio. (and Daniel Smith watercolor set)
Lately, I've become more aware of the talented Liz Steel's work. She's on the fackulty for Sketchbook Skool for the 'Seeing' semester. She draws teacups nearly every day, as far as I can tell. I'd thought I'd try channeling her style and subject with a few teacups I got from my 96 year old mother in law. Here's the first.

from my sketchbook ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio.
from my sketchbook ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio.
I'm also using a fountain pen, for the first time. And, well, I thought the ink was waterproof. Guess not!
from my sketchbook ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio.
from my sketchbook ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio.
Of course you know, that I'm also on the fakulty of Sketchbook Skool, for the "Beginnings" semester. Did you know they have t-shirts and stuff available now? And one of the shirts has a drawing of the fakulty (drawn by Jean-Christophe Defline) and my face is on the shirt. Ha! I ordered 4 shirt in different colors! and a coffee mug. Here's the shopping link

This is what I ordered!


  1. I really enjoy peeking inside your sketchbook! I hope the 'beginnings' semester will be offered again later in the year, I had too much going on to take it this time.

    1. thanks Paula! yes, SBS Beginnings will be offered again in October!

  2. Loving it!!! I'm getting ready to do tea cups myself, can hardly wait. I'm going to do recipes alongside. Aren't we lucky?

    Yours is especially sweet- what a wonderful memory of a special lady.


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