Wednesday, July 09, 2014

from my sketchbook ~ Kings Canyon Sequoia National Park and the 4th of July

view of the sierras
from my sketchbook and in my ETSY shop ~ Jane LaFazio

Montecito Sequoia
Some more photos and pages from Montecito Sequoia Family Summer Camp, where I taught for a week.

mountain lupine
from my sketchbook and in my ETSY shop ~ Jane LaFazio

montecito sequoia wild flowers
from my sketchbook and in my ETSY shop ~ Jane LaFazio

Montecito Sequoia
No, I won't be giving up my art career for music, anytime soon.
lodgepole pine cone
from my sketchbook and in my ETSY shop ~ Jane LaFazio

4th of July4th of July
4th of July
On the 4th of July, Montecito Sequoia has a cool tradition. Guests can build a bark boat (the base is a piece of bark from a tree) and then launch it in the lake at sunset. You can see our boat above and in the lake. I wrote our wishes on the sail.
4th of July
Also on the 4th, dinner and dancing and all kinds of fun at the lake. Below is a super short video (24 seconds)  to give you an idea of the fun! (go to my blog to see the video)


  1. I've had these lovely wildflowers grow in my backyard and in the yard next door for several years and no one seemed to know what they were. They don't grow everywhere around here. And then I was enjoying your sketchbook pictures from camp and there were my flowers! Mountain Lupine..wonder how they ended up in NY?! I did do a picture but I guess I can't upload it here.

  2. Jane, many years ago this is where i went to summer camp. Wonderful memories there for me, and i love your sketches! and maybe that is one reason i too always love the lupine!


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