Thursday, September 18, 2014

I do love teaching


Ever wonder what it would be like to take a class from me? 

I like to think it's pretty fun. 
I demo and I talk you through the steps.

And I like to joke around. And be a smart aleck.
I love to laugh! And to make others laugh.
I'm happy to answer questions and give my opinion...on just about anything!
(photos by Mindy Joy Rose)
So, I hope you'll join one of my classes
Me and my art. Http://
Or better yet, join me on the River Cruise along the Danube! April 14-24, 2015. NEWS UPDATE: There is no single supplement charge anymore! 
We'll start in Budapest, Hungary, to Austria to Slovakia to Germany to the Czech Republic. We'll visit cities along the way like: Vienna (wine, music and a Palace!) Durnstein (visit a Benedictine Abbey) Vilshofen (Octoberfest!) and Prague. All food and drink (including wine and beer) is included. Everyday, for a few hours, we'll get together and sketch and watercolor. I'll give a demo, then help you and guide you (if you want me to) and paint right along with you. At the end of the trip, you'll have a small illustrated journal of your adventure. The group is limited to 12. It will be loads of fun and oh, the sites we'll see! NEWS UPDATE: There is no single supplement charge anymore!  Click here for details of the trip, or call Carlo at 619-584-4213 or email her 


  1. I would love to take your Text and Textile class in Petaluma, are there still openings?
    I went to the' Art is' site and I think I saw registration was closed, but it seems too
    early for that?
    Let me know please.

    1. Registration is closed and I think it's full. But contact them just in case.

  2. As someone who also loves to teach--and loves good teaching, I'm a big fan of Jane LaFazio! She's imaginative, helpful, fun and funny and doggoned talented. I wish I had more time to take more of her classes!


Thanks so much for visiting!