Friday, September 05, 2014

More photos of Taos, New Mexico

Taos, New Mexico ~ by Jane LaFazio
Here are a few more photos from the LavenderSage Art Retreat, in Taos, New Mexico.  
from my sketchbook ~ in progress by Jane LaFazio

Mabel Dodge Luhan Inn
Mabel Dodge Luhan Historic Inn ~ by Jane LaFazio
Me, in the classroom at Mabel Dodge Luhan HIstoric Inn
Arroyo Seco, New Mexico
Hollyhocks were in bloom everywhere ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ in progress by Jane LaFazio
Chimayo, NM
Chimayo, New Mexico
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ in progress by Jane LaFazio
Chimayo, NM
Taos, New Mexico ~ by Jane LaFazio
yoga poses in public places august taos 2014
Yoga Poses in Public Places ~ Taos, New Mexico
Our next LavenderSage Art Retreat in Taos, New Mexico will be June 24-July 2, 2015. Add your name to the interest list and we'll let you know more and when registration opens.

1 comment:

Thanks so much for visiting!