Friday, October 03, 2014

handmade journals ~ late bloomer

front cover ~ by Jane LaFazio
I've sort of fought the whole 'make your own journal' thing. Too much work. Too precious. All kinds of reasons. But, I've given in and made a small journal for myself. It's made from Fabriano Hot Press, a large sheet (22x30") divided up. Then bound with a simple binding stitch. 
interior pages ~ by Jane LaFazio

interior and pocket ~ by Jane LaFazio
 I think one of the reasons I made the journal was to use my growing collection of Washi tape. (google it on ETSY and you'll find tons of it.)
interior pocket ~ by Jane LaFazio

back cover ~ by Jane LaFazio
 I was collecting washi tape, then I had to buy a cute storage thing for my tape. And now I'm making journals to use my tape. It makes perfect sense.
I bought this washi tape holder on Etsy.
And before I finished this blog post, I ordered more washi tape! It's an addiction! 


  1. This blog entry: wow. It's like the truest thing I ever read. It DOES make perfect sense! Cheers, and here's to more washi tape!

  2. Making artist's books is also an addiction! look out...speaking as one who has made a lot of them.

  3. I have found that we can justify ANYTHING when it comes to our art supplies. xo

  4. Love your journal-is that one of your hand-carved stamps on the front? And washi tape is SO fun! Also, thanks for the "Bead it Like you Mean it" recommendation (Art is You Petaluma). She's fun and an excellent teacher....didn't realize how much I didn't know about beading!

    1. thanks! yes, it is one of my original stamps on the front. So glad you're enjoying Lyric's DVD. I felt the same way.

  5. Thanks for the inspiration, Jane, your creativity flows out in every direction.

  6. I love this, both the lovely visuals, the nifty journal and the washi tape rational. The perfect post. :-)

  7. It makes perfect sense to me! I haven't caught the Washi tape addiction . . . yet. I have been avoiding it because it IS just so cute!

  8. You're not going to want to stop making your own books, either! (You have one roll of washi tape that looks like the edge of a piece of notebook paper...I've never seen one like that before. Love it!)


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