Monday, October 20, 2014

Art Quilts from Dinner @ Eight

"Women Who Come to the Table" by Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jenison
My friends and artist/ curators, Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jenison have put together a beautiful book of all the quilts they have curated into their "Dinner @ Eight" exhibitions. I'm proud to be included in "Women Who Come to the Table" and to have been juried into five of the exhibitions. 
Here are the quilts I've created, specifically for the invitational exhibitions: 
"Zen Eucalyptus" by Jane LaFazio, 2009
(48x26 inches) $2200.USD
contact the artist
"Above the Bog" by Jane LaFazio, 2010
(48x36 inches)  sold 

"Industrial Aged" by Jane LaFazio, 2011
(48 x36 inches) $2500.USD
contact the artist

"Nature Journal" by Jane LaFazio, 2012
(60x24 inches) $2,500.USD

contact the artist

"Havana" by Jane LaFazio, 2013
(60x24 inches) $1250.USD
contact the artist


  1. Simplement magnifique !

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Your quilts, Havana and Industrial Aged are so over the top! Bravo, Jane!

  3. I never get tired of seeing these beautiful quilts. So happy you like the book!

  4. Gorgeous work! These are all fabulous, but my favorite is Nature journal - just wow!


Thanks so much for visiting!