Saturday, November 08, 2014

News update ~ published

I'm so proud to be included in the latest issue of Through our Hands. This is a free, online magazine is produced by UK Fiber artists Linda and Laura Kemshall and Annabel Rainbow. Click on the image below to read the gorgeous 70 page magazine. 
Click here to read Through our Hands
I just got home from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (photos soon!) and found this republished interview about how Mexico has inspired my artwork:

Click here to read the interview

Lastly, two of my online classes are starting this week. For beginners "Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style" and for those who know how to draw "Watercolor Sketchbook: Designs from Life." Hope you'll join me and students from around the world in some creative fun!


  1. Congratulations, Jane! You do have such beautiful, inspiring art, thanks for sharing and teaching.

  2. Congratulations Jane.I'm not surprised your work is so sought after for magazines. It's so creative.


Thanks so much for visiting!