Friday, November 21, 2014

Workshop on the J&J Ranch

Me: demonstrating how to paint a landscape
from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio (5x7 inches

Jill G. Hall, in front of me, was the host of the workshop.
The rest are my lovely students!
I spent a fine day, teaching, last week at the J&J Ranch in Descanso hosted by my good friend, Jill Hall. A wonderful group of students and a gorgeous California fall day!
Some of my students, outstanding in their field. (haha. couldn't resist) 
This is a view of the J and J Ranch.
Check out my teaching schedule for 2015.


  1. Thank you Jane and Jill Hall for a wonderful, creative day!!

  2. Looks like you have a fun group of students. Your water color style is super.

    1. Thank you Janie Krig, for your wonderful and supportive comments! I totally appreciate that you always comment on my posts! xoxo


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