Sunday, December 07, 2014

"City Blocks" 3 day workshop at Art is You (art retreat) in Connecticut in October 2015.

City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio
Here's a sneak peak at "City Blocks" It's an art quilt I'm creating for a proposal for a unique 3 day workshop for Art Is You in Stamford, Connecticut October 7- 10. Then I'll be teaching two one day workshops on October 11 and 12, 2015 too. I'll share more details, once I know them!
City Blocks ~ Manhattan
detail of "City Blocks" by Jane LaFazio


  1. Very cool looking, Jane! I am hoping that there might be some possibility that I could make it up to Connecticut next year...we shall see!

  2. That old safety pin attached with thread is just brilliant! Wish I lived closer, I'd love to take a workshop with you.


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