Sunday, February 01, 2015

Filling the well ~ a workshop from Beaney and Littlejohn

My desk during a workshop
My desk during the workshop. Creative chaos! by Jane LaFazio
I've just returned from an eight day workshop, near Atlanta, Georgia. The teachers were Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn, literally icons of textile arts. They are from the UK and have been business partners and teachers for over 30 years.
They are incredibly talented.
Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney
Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney
The workshop was divided into 4 days each. The first four days was more sketchbook with some stitch.
my work from a workshop
My 'zig zag' book from the first 4 days of the 8 day workshop by Jane LaFazio
My color inspiration. by Jane LaFazio
my work from a workshop
detail of my 'zig zag' by Jane LaFazio
my work from a workshop
detail of my 'zig zag' by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook by Jane LaFazio
my work from a workshop
My 'zig zag' book from the first 4 days of the 8 day workshop by Jane LaFazio
The second 4 days was more focused on stitch. All the work and design and colors were based on the inspiration seen aroundme, in rural Georgia in January.
my work from a workshop
My 'zig zag' book from the second 4 days of the 8 day workshop by Jane LaFazio
my work from a workshop
detail of my 'zig zag' book by Jane LaFazio
Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney
Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney. Jean is holding up my little stitched piece. 

my work from a workshop
My 'zig zag' book from the second 4 days of the 8 day workshop by Jane LaFazio
It was a most wonderful experience for me. To fill my own well, as a teacher, while learning from two of the very best contemporary textile artists was a dream come true. The two women are unbelievably creative and inspirational. Truly artists I want to emulate in their originality and skill.

And, it was pure joy, for me, to be a student! I love learning and to have 8 days just for me was fabulous. I cherished every moment.

For now, I can't wait to spend some time in my studio and try out some of what I learned, and see how it will inform my future work.
pattern by Jane LaFazio
nearby our workshop location by Jane LaFazio
nearby our workshop location by Jane LaFazio


  1. Thank you for sharing. So fun to see the scenery down there and a little of the work and play of the week.

  2. Looks like it was a fabulous class... 8 days! Longest I have taken was 5, and I was exhausted and overwhelmed, but still use what I learned almost 8 years later. I can't wait to see what you will do with your new techniques!

  3. Oh Jane, it looks as if you had a most creative and productive time. Your work is (as usual) exquisite! Can't wait to see where it all takes you.....

  4. OH JANE! I'm so jealous. The closest I can get is that a local woman took their classes years ago in Canada. She now teaches me what she learned and has used ever since. J&J have some Canadian dates this year, but I think they are impossible to get into. :( pout pout pout

    LUCKY YOU - the original 62s! : )

  5. What an enriching experience - your well must be overflowing. I look forward to seeing how these shapes & forms appear in your future work.

  6. What a treat it must have been to spend eight days with Beaney & Littlejohn. They truly are textile icons. I love their books. The work you created in the class looks gorgeous. It would be great to see it in person as I'm sure there are lots of details and textures we just can't truly appreciate from a photo.

  7. Filling one's own well...a good reminder to me too. xo Thanks Jane!

  8. They are indeed icons of textile arts.

  9. I must say I am very jealous, I think I have every book they've published. What a wonderful way to fill the well.

  10. Terrific for you, Jane, how do you digest and retain 8 days worth, ahh, the zig zag book of course.

  11. Love the work you have done here and I wish you would do a workshop in the Atlanta area. I'm sure there are plenty of artists here that would love to work with me, starting with me!

  12. how fortunate you were, to have studied with that powerhouse duo. I would think that they were honored that a person with so much talent and ability as you have, would choose to study with them. Can't wait to see you explore what you learned. cheers,,,,,,,Lynne Sward PS> (the zig, zag book looks great, was that a large compendium?)

  13. Thanks for your comment. Lucky you. I too have all their books,some signed. If you don't have their most recent dvd ,I can certainly recommend it.

  14. You are so Lucky, I love these ladies. They have been an inspiration for me. I would like to get a collection of their first mags/paper they put out, A friend has all of them. Gotta fill my well now, you are an inspirations. Thank you.


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