Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Magical Sketchcrawl

Yoga Pose in a Public Place
Yours Truly doing a Yoga Pose in a Public Place ~ Queen Califia Magical Circle. 
Nikki de St Phalle sculpture garden
 Queen Califia Magical Circle in Escondido, California
Our wonderful San Diego Sketchcrawl group got together recently at Queen Califia Magical Circle. It's a sculpture garden created by the renowned Niki de Saint Phalle. It's recently reopened in Kit Carson Park in Escondido, California. It's hidden away, and open very limited hours. But as you can see, well worth a visit!
Nikki de St Phalle sculpture garden
Close up of one of the many many sculptures at  Queen Califia Magical Circle.  ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
From my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
From my sketchbook (detail) ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
From my sketchbook (detail) ~ by Jane LaFazio
Nikki de St Phalle sculpture garden
close up of one of the sculptures ~ by Jane LaFazio
Nikki de St Phalle sculpture garden
The center sculpture at Queen Califia Magical Circle ~ by Jane LaFazio
selfie ~ by Jane LaFazio
sketchcrawl group
San Diego Sketchcrawlers at Queen Califia Magical Circle


  1. Your sketchbook is amazing! I love your shoes, what brand are they?

  2. Beautiful park. I thought it was Gaudi in Barcelona!

  3. You are certainly having fun, Jane!


Thanks so much for visiting!