Monday, April 06, 2015

Just Jane!

Just Jane ~  eBook!
Just Jane!  a new eBook by Quilting Arts magazine!
Well, how exciting is this? Quilting Arts and Cloth Paper Scissors magazines have created an eBook of Just Jane! (love that title!) It's 58 pages long is consists of 14 of the articles I've written. 

I'm just thrilled about this retrospective of my magazine work! (Especially, since I read in the newspaper recently about a movie company have releasing a retrospective of Doris Day's films. For her 91st birthday! So glad I didn't have to wait that long.)

And check out these kind works from Vivika, Editor of Quilting Arts magazine: 


  1. Yipeeeee! What a wonderful achievement and the recognition is so well deserved. Kudos to you, Jane. Lovely how the doors are opening before you right and left. Much happiness and continued success. Your hard work and talent shine again.

  2. Hoorah! This promises to be a magnificent e-book.

  3. Congratulations! This is indeed well deserved recognition!

  4. I agree with the above, Yipee!, Hoorah! and Congratulations, Jane, thanks for all you do.

  5. Fantastic, Jane! Congratulations!!!

  6. Congratulations! 14 articles. Wow! You sure are prolific. How wonderful to have them all available in one place.

  7. A wonderful achievement and so well deserved. You have so much to share and teach. I admire your work so much.


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