Thursday, August 20, 2015

from my sketchbook ~ Arizona

Ready to teach! and carrying our drawing subject matter. (moving so fast, I'm a blur!)

One of the classes I taught, at Art Unraveled in Arizona, was "Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style." Probably my signature class and consistently the most popular. And my favorite! I really can teach people to draw and see their progress and confidence build in just one day! It's so satisfying!
Student work from  my Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style ~ right before lunch. I'm sorry I didn't get photos of  their completed pages! they were wonderful.

from my sketchbook ~ demoing in class for my 
Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style.
BeBop helped me finish the page at home
detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
 detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
 detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio

from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
I hope you'll join me either in San Diego on September 12,  Minneapolis, MN on September 17,  or in Stamford, CT on October 11 for this workshop!


  1. always inspirational, Jane! xox

  2. I wish to enrol for your online class Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style. I want to be able to draw and paint my Australian surroundings.

    1. Great Jo! sign up for my newsletter and you'll get notice about when registration opens for the next online class. thanks!

  3. Thanks, Jane, for spreading happiness and art wherever you go, you're my hero.
    ( I'm not trying to be weird, everybody needs a hero!)


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