Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fun artist date with friends!

Me and my scarf
My friend hosted a 'scarf party!' About 14 of us got together in her backyard, and with the help of Mayu Silk Art, created gorgeous scarves! here's how it looked:
marbleizing the paint with a 'rake'

You can see on this one, I'm not marbleizing horizontally on the scarf

good enough to stop, but no! 
This is the most magic photo! look at how the 'rake' is changing the pattern of the paint!
nearly done

the final touches
tadah! Pictured is Oliver, he's the guy who helped me, step by step in this creation.
Jane's scarf
Once the scarf dries, it is lighter. And look at this amazing detail!

me and my scarf! 
Jane's scarf

The name of the company is Mayu Silk Art and they came out to my friend's backyard and set everything up and brought all the supplies. You can find out everything on their website.


  1. Wow! This looks like so much fun. I would love to do this. Your scarf is absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Fun idea with great results, I must find out more! Thanks for sharing their link.

  3. Your scarf is gorgeous Jane. And what a fun time that must have been.

  4. Really different. I have done that but painting on silk. So much fun to create something you can wear. Beautiful result.

  5. This is soooo beautiful! And what a great creative time!!

  6. gorgeous scarf!!! I love it!

  7. WOW - the detail is incredible! And your big awesome smile - you have the happiest smile. : )

  8. We had a wonderful time at the party, and meeting Jane and all of the other great ladies, many of whom are also artists. We've been receiving requests from Jane's blog readers ever since she posted this story, and are soon to be heading to Palm Springs, Arizona, Minnesota, and (hopefully) Chicago to do workshops coordinated by some of her readers in these areas. We are so grateful for Jane's words of wonder and enthusiasm for her Experience, and for this beautiful, ancient art form in its new, 21st century context.


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