Monday, November 30, 2015

It's hip to be SQUARE ~ CRAFT NAPA

Garden Patch ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio
Garden Patch ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio
I like to work in a grid or squares format. I do it a lot. It's not that I'm rigid in my fiber art, far from it! I come to textiles as a mixed media artist, so anything goes! 
Garden Patch ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio
Working in a grid, helps me work spontaneously and intuitively, and then be able to compose it into a finished cohesive composition. A grid gives me a guide to work within.
Garden Patch ~ in progress~ by Jane LaFazio
All the pieces above will become something like the Garden Patch art quilt below.

Garden Patch Botanical ~ (14 x 13.5 inches)  by Jane LaFazio
But the squares below, are a Text on Textiles piece, and created in a totally and completely different manner. Yet, they are squares!

Text on Textiles ~ in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
Text on Textiles ~ in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
Text on Textiles ~ in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
Text on Textiles ~ in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
And these squares will become something like this, Text on Textiles ~ Childhood Summer:
Text on Textiles ~ Childhood Summer (12x12 inches) by Jane LaFazio
I'll be teaching both these classes, and their different ways of working in a square, at CRAFT NAPA, in Napa, California January 7-9, 2016

Friday, January 8th, GARDEN PATCH: Learn an easy, original way to create an art quilt. We’ll collage both paper and cloth to a surface and cut it up to create an original themed quilt. You’ll learn about color schemes, composition, and hand stitching. This is a great technique to create a quilt from a trip or memory, using fabric and paper bits that you already have.

At the end of the day, you’ll have your hand embellished, composed quilt. You can stitch it together by hand, in class, by machine at home. You’ll use this technique again and again, with totally different results each time.  REGISTER HERE

Saturday, January 9th, TEXT ON TEXTILES: We will combine writing, personal mementos, and textile arts to create a small art quilt full of personal meaning. This class will be meditative in many ways. We’ll be doing some journaling on fabric (I’ll give you writing prompts & the pen) then we’ll tear and cut the fabric, combine it with other small bits of fabric, paper and ephemera to create a small hand stitched story quilt. You’ll learn some hand embroidery stitches, ways to assemble diverse materials (paper, cloth, rocks etc) and create an interesting composition. Only you will know the power of your little, one-of-a-kind hand-stitched quilt. REGISTER HERE
and here is a video of yours truly, talking about my workshops at CRAFT NAPA

CRAFT NAPA: Kickstart your creative new year by joining world-renowned artists in enchanting Napa Valley! During this three-day retreat, you will have the opportunity to master your skills in collage, quilting, sketching, printmaking, painting, art journaling, and mixed media, all the while enjoying outstanding cuisine and wine, too.

Please leave your comment by Dec 10th and answer this question: What are your creative goals for 2016?
The winner is Janet Avery. Congrats Janet!

CRAFT NAPA is sponsored by:


  1. Love those squares, and your art in general! My goal for 2016 is to get back to regular journaling....trying to use more pictures to describe my days..

    1. I'm with you on that!! xo

    2. In 2016 I will let loose my creativity by creating more and thinking about it less!
      Your work is always such an inspiration - thank you!

  2. My creative goal is to get back to teaching and sharing what I love to do.

    1. and getting totally healthy again, dear Judy!

  3. To do more and stop procrastinating!!

  4. My creative goal for 2016 is to let creativity flow in spite of less than ideal circumstances. It's easy to be creative when the funds and time are abundant, but how about when you're up against some sort of opposition? The flow can get more refined and precious. So in 2016 I look forward to surfing some amazing waves.

    1. and when faced with opposition, it's when ART helps the very most!!

  5. My one big goal is to return to weekly studio practice and blogging about it.

    1. that's a great goal!! and blogging can help you be motivated too.

  6. My one big goal for 2016 is to not let self- criticism of my art to hold me back from creating it.

  7. My goals: Finish some of my favorite projects and start a lot of new ones - lol!!!!
    Oh - and work on my book!!!

    Would love to see you at this retreat!

  8. I love your work Jane and can't wait to meet you at Craft Napa in January...I signed up for one of your classes. You have been an inspiration to me and it will be so exciting to take a class with you. See you soon!

  9. 2016 goals include writing a novel, and delving more into mixed media.

  10. Finish some very "ancient" UFOs so I can start a new wholecloth quilt project.
    Karen in Texas

  11. I would love to finish some of the UFOs hiding in the closet but I really want to develop my own style and be more creative this coming year!

  12. As I am trying to answer your question I have 50,000 ideas running around my head. Perhaps my creative goal for this year should be to focus on just a few of these and not let myself be distracted too much by the rest! :D Have a great time in Napa! Wish I could be there with all of you!

  13. 2016 goal-sort my fabric, design and get to the studio and start the creative process that has been dormant for too many years

  14. My 2016 goal is to set up my sewing space and organize my fabric. All has been in storage for nearly a year while I sold one house and am trying to unpack in a new one. I hope to tackle some UFO's that have been waiting for quilting.

  15. Finishing projects is always a good goal for the new year.

  16. One of my goals for 2016 is to get back into creating small fiber art pieces and give them as gifts to family members.

  17. Love your text on textiles, Jane!
    My main goal in 2016 is to discover and let loose my own artistic voice from its hiding place.

  18. Thank you for always look like you are having a great time doing your projects. My 2016 goal is not take my life so seriously and just have fun. I need to clean up my studio and play with paints and collage.

  19. goals are always good as my reach towards grasp is adventure that takes on its own compass! " hip to be square", (love Huey) is a quilt title i used last year after doing a small series of circle piece. So my goals are to stretch beyond my reach and give myself space to use more of the what ifs i find as i work.
    Jane your work shines and inspires . thank you for to chance

  20. I'd like to finish so many of my UFO's and also to incorporate what I will learn from your watercolor class at Craft Napa. So excited to go and to meet everyone. It will be here before we know it. (My second bonus is that my California sister will be taking the class with me!)

  21. My goal is to play everyday with my fabric and tools, letting the artist emerge....

  22. 2016 goal - Make more small art quilts only with the fabrics I have dyed and printed and embellish with lots of stitching.

  23. you are so talented. I really admire your work and enjoy your segments on QATV.

  24. One of my goals is to learn to draw!!

  25. My goal this year is to learn to draw!

  26. Continue my Sketchbook Skool drawing, sketching and painting classes!

  27. My goal is to push myself out of my comfort zone.

  28. Mine is so simple and so hard to keep doing. DRAW...bea

  29. My goal for 2016 is to do more wool embroidery.

  30. Thanks for the square (but so NOT square) idea! I am always intimidated at the idea of getting started, but being able to think about starting to compose something within a square is more manageable.

  31. This is my 60th year! My goal is to create 60 things in my 60th year - even a small sketch will count, but I know it will keep my juices flowing!

  32. My goal for this coming year is to spend more time on my fiber arts. Study up on techniques, take online classes and start focusing on mix media again. But before I do that, I need to reorganize my lil art room and focus on what I truely need and donate the rest.

  33. 2015 has been a tough year for me and my creativity. My goal for 2016 is to nurture my creative thought processes and to begin to bring them to the front of my life which will help to center me.

  34. Hi jane, great blog thank you for sharing so much. My goal is to try to finish some projects (yea sure) and maybe focus a bit more (yea sure)

  35. My creative goal for 2016 is to make 2 art quilts of my own design for my guild challenge.

  36. I love your work Jane. My creative goals for 2016 are to spend an hour every morning to create and embrace the creative moments that surround me being the mom to two amazing and creative (now) teenagers.

  37. Love your blog as it gets my mind to wandering to lovely places. Ideas just start popping in. Going to try this square idea. A class with you is a must on my bucket list of dream classes!

  38. A class with you is a must on my bucket list of classes. Am inspired by your creativity and use of different textiles. Thanks for the blog and creative ideas.

  39. Hi Jane,
    Hope to see you that weekend.

  40. 2015 hasn't been a particularly productive year. So, 1. learn a new creative skill; 2. complete my Hoffman challenge piece; 3. take more photographs; 4. finish those batik projects I've started for myself, and 5. get my $%^& out of this chair and create!

  41. I want to take an on line class with you as well finish one Ufo a month for 2016

  42. I love your handwork! I hope to be doing handwork more this coming year!

  43. i love absolutely EVERYTHING drawn or made by you Jane Lafazio. My goal for 2016 is to spend one extra hour per day designing something new and different from whatever my current project is (so an EXTRA!)

  44. i love absolutely EVERYTHING drawn or made by you Jane Lafazio. My goal for 2016 is to spend one extra hour per day designing something new and different from whatever my current project is (so an EXTRA!)

  45. My Goal for 2016 is to simplify, finish projects and then try to keep number of work in progress to two. I think I'll relax and enjoy the process more if I'm not bogged down by too many projects.

  46. Reading your blog and the comments above are inspirational! But my goal for 2016 is to utilize my sewing space daily--even if just for 30 minutes.

  47. My 2016 creative goal is to have time to actually create instead of working on WIP that don't require as much creative thought at the stage they are in!

  48. Love your process and use of color. Thanks for the inspiration.

  49. My goal for 2016 is to finish at least one project each month and allow the creative juices to flow for 15 minutes each day.

  50. I'm Nancy Baum and I'm looking forward to Craft Napa! My goal for this year is to gain skills in watercolor painting.

  51. Hi Jane, My creative goal is to return to painting watercolor. I haven't done much since my mom passed away from cancer 4 years ago. I just have been down. I want to paint and begin machine quilting. I'm looking forward to your tutorials. Hope you do a retreat in San Diego in 2016!

  52. I'm looking forward to your workshop at Craft Napa. See you in January!

  53. I was able to fulfill last years goal of building an Art studio and I started teaching art in Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Next year my goal is to hold at least 2 Art Retreat workshops and build a web page to show case my own art. Maybe another year I will make it my goal to have Jane at my workshop!

  54. For 2016 I need to have a goal in order to actually DO some fiber art instead of just reading about techniques and what others are doing! Thanks for the spark - from Joan Radven ...

  55. My creative goal, besides completing a mountain of UFO's is to become proficient in free motion quilting and thread painting.

  56. I am going to learn to draw in 2016. This will add a much needed dimension to my textile art work. My aim is to exhibit my work.

  57. I would so love to come to one of your retreats or workshops one day- but its a little far for me to come from Australia!

  58. My creative goal is to try and make art as much as possible. I have been learning quite a few new techniques and love intertwining them in art quilts!

  59. Thanks for the info! My goal is to attempt to work in a series. I had done so a few years ago and have some new ideas to go back to it with a new theme.

  60. My goal is to spend more time working toward discovering my own distinctive style/voice.

  61. Jane, Your squares are really hip. Love them. My creative goal is to open my own quilting studio in June of 2016. I have also started lecturing and teaching in my area quilt guilds, so I hope to promote this.

    Thanks, Jane for sharing your inspiring career.

  62. One of my goals for 2016 is to do more studying. I have some great color workbooks which should keep me very busy. I also plan to attend Craft Napa to kick off the year right

  63. Craft Napa how nice, I just learned about it via blog post. My goal for 2016 is to arrange my sewing room so I can sew in there and find in there.

  64. I love your squares, Jane! They speak to me.
    My creative goal fir 2016 is to illustrate and create more. The pat few years have been wild... I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing. :)

  65. I will be combing my watercolors with a quilt project. Wish me luck. I love the squares you are creating.

  66. I love the textural aspect of your art. My goal for 2016 is to start selling my art and designs so I can afford to go to all the retreats I'd like to attend. :) I look forward to meeting you at Craft Napa!

  67. I like to incorporate embroidery and beads in my quilting. My goal is to learn from others how they add embellishments to their art.

  68. My goal for 2016 is to create every day without fail, to stop procrastinating and get down to doing, and also to do complete my lessons in the same week they come out - so I don't get behind. Thanks for the give-away :)

  69. I really want to fully embrace my improvisational tendencies when creating quilts and wall hangings. I tend to wimp out!

  70. Cool projects as always. My goals for 2016 are to improve my art and to create a great blog. I just started one a couple of weeks ago. It is a challange and fun.

  71. My goal for 2016 is to learn to use my mid arm machine and to create pieces for 3 exhibits.

  72. My goal is to challenge myself to practice old skills (stitches) and improve them and try new techniques to expand my toolbox!

  73. I will be improving my stitches with practice!

  74. I will be practicing my stitches!

  75. I need to look at purchasing a new computer and thus to learn a new photo editing software.

  76. For 2016 I want to finish 2 wedding quilts, frame my watercolors, make more jewelry, blog once a week and get my toes in the ocean. (also take art classes, knit some hats and organize my sewing room). No wonder why I'm tired!

  77. My creative goal is jupstart my year by learning some new techniques in water-coloring by taking your January class.! Looking forward to it!

  78. My goal is to be more focused and therefore more productive. Thanks for the chance to win!

  79. Would love to win.

  80. Creative goals? Actually creating and not just thinking or talking about it. Create - even if I don't like how the last project turned out. Thanks for my chance to win.

  81. Great blog! Love the gridwork ideas. My 2016 goals include focusing on smaller quilts and learning from creative folks like you!

  82. Great question. My goal is to make either an art quilt or a modern quilt next year. Both of these are way out of my comfort zone, but should be fun to tackle.

  83. my goal for 2016 is to get better at fmq on my dms. thanks for the giveaway.

  84. my early goal for 2016 is to finish a quilt project that I have been working on for the last year =)

  85. Jane, I just love catching you on Quilting Arts from time to time! My creative goal for 2016 is to learn to freehand sketch better and incorporate my sketches into my fiber arts projects.

  86. Craft NAPA looks like sooo much fun. For 2016 want to learn some new techniques.

  87. My creative goals for 2016 are to spend more time making and less time on the computer.

  88. Omg, I'd love to win the prize! Remember me? Your best buddy from IQA? LOL, thanks again for posing with me even though you were cruising the shopping aisles.

  89. My goal is to put myself out there more. I had planned that for 2015, but our lives are in chaos due to a move, so I haven't been able to be in the studio as much as I would have liked. Thanks for the chance to win!

  90. For 2016 I want to focus a series of work

  91. I decided a couple of months ago that I was going to finish any UFO I have by the end of December (and get a few Christmas presents made) - yikes! I'm on target - I can't believe it. I want to start out fresh in January! I feel the need to experiment more with transfer techniques, being consistent with my sketching in a NEW journal, allowing more time to read blogs, articles, etc. online to help me accomplish my goals, I want to dye a large number of color samples going around the color wheel with RIT dye like Judy showed during a QA episode, then dye fabrics for use in my quilts. A couple of years ago I took photographs of the trees around where I live (in a historic district) each day as the sun came up in the morning, at noon, and again as the sun was going down so I could compare all of these pictures at those three times of the day after that year so I could start an art quilt series with trees as the subject. Those are my goals for next year :-)

  92. My goals are always to finish some UFO's I get several done, and then new stuff has to be small enough to also finish and not add to the pile of UFO's. This lasts until about March, then it is anything goes.

  93. Hi Jane! I've learned so much from you over the years, and I'm excited to learn more in 2016. My goal for 2015 is to be as supportive and encouraging to myself as I am to others—not so easy to do!

    1. Yes, Linda! I think that is an excellent plan! I'll help! xoxo

  94. My goal for 2016 is to be more productive.

  95. My creative goals are to be more productive and to participate fully in all my challenge group's challenges in 2016. (Their URL is )

  96. My 2016 creative goals are to make more art quilts and to bring more precision to my patchwork projects.

  97. To spend more time making quilts and mixed media!

  98. My goal for 2016 is to spend even more time in my studio.

  99. my goals are to make more art quilts and to improve my screen printing skills.

  100. Goals...I would like to finish some UFO's...or let them go...sometimes I find that the reason something has hung around as a UFO for so long is that I have moved on and it doesn't reflect where I am now.

  101. I want to stop over analyzing and enjoy all my creative endeavors in 2016.

  102. My 2016 goal is to create with the materials and supplies I already own as much as feasible. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  103. My creative goals are to focus on incorporating more values and neutrals in my work and to have a better defined focal point.

  104. My goal is to incorporate more values and a clearer focal point in my work.

  105. Try more new techniques to me and improve my long arming skills.


Thanks so much for visiting!