Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in Review ~

It was fun to compile these lists! I could have included how many Yoga Poses in Public Places  or how many pages in my sketchbook (dozens) I've filled and how many art quilts I've made (a lot) or how many times I told my husband I loved him (estimate: 703 times) but I wanted to get this out before 2016 begins!

This surprised me, I thought it was more. I used to strive for blogging every other day, but now I'm more like every third day.

I've been blogging since April 18, 2006! and here are my stats:
2014 (138 posts)
2013 (180)
2012 (215)
2011 (247)
2010 (437)
2009 (386)
2008 (281)
2007 (368)
2006 (232)

And to save you from reaching for the calculator, that's 2607 posts!

THANK YOU for reading my blog

(You won't miss a post if you want to subscribe via email~ subscribe on the right hand column of my blog)

Eleven newsletters to my whole list, once a month (I missed December!)
Five newsletters to my San Diego Only list.

Thank you for reading my newsletters!

Each of my online classes is six weeks of lessons, with the classroom open for a total of nine weeks. I had over 1000 students and I love being able to reach and inspire so many people from all over the world! 

Thank you for taking my online classes!

I created a new, short, work-at-your-own-pace, have-access-forever class, called Cereal Box Journals. I'll open it for registration next month. 

I'm also working hard on a brand new Sketching and Watercolor (Basics, composition and Landscape) online workshop, hoping to release it in May 2016.

I taught for a month in Europe (a river cruise along the Danube River (5 countries) and Greece; Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona; Taos, New Mexico, Madeline Island, Wisconsin; Minneapolis; Monterey, California; Stamford, Connecticut and Houston, Texas.

I didn't count the days teaching online! 

Thank you for attending my classes and workshops!

This was my third DVD/download instructional video. Always nerve wracking mixed with loads of fun to film with the crew in Cleveland.

Thanks for watching my videos!

I love appearing on Quilting Arts TV, this was my fourth season and adds up to 12 episodes!

Thanks for watching me on TV!

The highlight was my work on the cover of Quilting Arts Magazine, February/March 2015 issue! I had articles about my work in four Quilting Arts Magazines, in Art Quilt Studio, and in Cloth Paper Scissors, and Quilting Arts even did a special Just Jane e-book compilation of all my articles over the years!
I was also very proud to be included in Cas Holmes Stitch Stories book.

Thanks for reading my articles!


  1. You are one busy busy lady my friend. Happy New Year and here's wishing you an even more successful and fulfilling 2016.

    1. Thanks dear Jen!! Happy New Year to you!

  2. Nice review, Jane! I know it will inspire many other artists.

  3. That is an awesome list of achievements! It sounds like you will continue to produce and inspire in 2016.
    Happy New Year.

  4. Congratulations to a wonderful, successful and PRODUCTIVE year!

  5. I am very privileged to have your work in Stitch Stories Jane. It is currently being reprinted happy new year

  6. What an incredible year. Congratulations on all the accomplishments. But what I really want to know is how in the world do you find time to post 437 blog posts in 2010???


Thanks so much for visiting!