Thursday, January 21, 2016

my ONE WORD for 2016

I found my word. I met Carrie Bloomston at CRAFT NAPA and immediately liked her.

So I bought her book "The Little Spark ~ 30 ways to ignite your creativity" and even though, I feel my creativity is definitely on fire, I got something very important from the book. My one word for 2016.

Carrie wrote:
"We are too forceful and have lost the grace and flow. Conversely, if we are too relaxed and not putting in enough effort, then might be sloppy, lackadaisical, careless, or lazy.

Grace comes from not only being filled with purposefulness and spirit as we work, but also enjoying the moment and being present with the process. Grace is the hinge between effort and effortless.

There is a moment in our creative flow in which we are utterly absorbed, content, focused and present with the moment and everything in it.

Grace comes from within. A balance of ease and grace with work and effort."

Thanks dear Carrie will helping me get clear with my 2016 word.

So now, I want to create something that will remind me of my word all year long. 

Here are some of my ideas:
  • create a journal page
  • paint my word on a ceramic cup (go to one of those paint your own pottery places)
  • order a custom bracelet or ring with my word
  • create an artsy tag for my car rear view mirror
  • get a tattoo
  • create a little stuffed felt pillow with my word
  • carve a stamp and use it
  • make a prayer flag
  • use your word as your computer screen saver (Thanks DA Best for the idea! Now we both have my Grace image above as our screen savers!)
  • make it your password for the year
Do you make something to remind you of your word? Please share your ideas. AND you may win a copy of Carrie's book. I'll choose on winner on Monday, January 25, so check back her on January 26 to see if you won.
The winner of Carrie's book is DA Best! please contact me with your name and address.
(And that is me in the photo.)


  1. I have Carrie's book and love it! (if I win I will share it with a friend). My word was Grace 2 years ago - it's a good one! This year my word is Explore. I always make a vision board at the beginning of the year. I order a necklace from a different Etsy seller each year with my word & wear it all year. I also have made a mini quilt with each of my words which has been great fun!

    1. A vision board is a great idea and way to find or express your word. good idea! and so is the ordering of jewelry! I just did it based on your recommendation.

  2. Happy New Year Jane! I LOVE your photo and choice of word for this year and how serendipitous regarding how it came your way. Great ideas for creating around the word. So far I have only done a journal page around my word-balance. Thanks so much for offering the chance to win a copy of Carrie's book!

    1. Thanks Linda! I have yet to do a journal page, it's such a great way to incorporate your word into your being.

  3. Grace is a beautiful word - and the description of what it "achieves" is sublime. I'm a senior citizen, and realize that with all the drive and planning and such, if you do not recognize that sometimes, and often, Life Happens - so plans get tossed, thrown to the wind. My word for 2016 is not a command - more of a suggestion that lets me know that I will not fail, no matter what. I chose "Aim". (PS: I'm also into yoga! And your Tree Pose is very nice!) Thanks, Annie

    1. Thanks Annie. yup, life happens and it goes so darn fast!

  4. i love your word for the year 2016! i have made 2 prayer flag with GRACE as the big stitch word upon my painted fabric+. The first one i gave to a special man who does my taxes stuff each year for 40 years.
    He called one day to ask if it was okay to give to his grand daughter, of the same name... said of course! The other one hangs out just outside my studio,already partially fringed,until the next person receives it! Oh, my hair cutting lady is also Grace!!And your Tree Pose is very nice!Thank you, Sonja

    1. thanks Sonja! I'll be making a prayer flag soon! thanks for the reminder.

  5. I took Carrie's webinar today at the Craft Industry Alliance, and I have a word too! I am holding mine close to my chest for now, and am looking forward to putting it into my vision board.

    1. I was at her webinar too and now I'm really ready to make my vision board! Share your word when you're ready, I'd love to know what it is.

  6. I love your word, and Carrie's definition of grace. The idea of the "hinge" is perfect. I usually create some type of artwork to hang above my desk with my word for the year. This year, I have only done some sketches, but haven't made anything substantial yet. Kind of fits -- my word is Clear, as in getting clear, and clear sailing.

    1. Carol, I had 'clear' as a word a few years ago, and it was my best yet. Used it all year long! clear desk, clear mind, clear path. Oh yeah, it's a good one.

  7. Grace is a wonderful focus for the year. I choose "Transformation" which is a little scary for me, but very welcome. I made a digital collage to remind me to be open to transformative experiences.

  8. My word for the year Is 'flow'......
    I'm making a little piece of art work with my word on a tag to tie onto my dressing table or drawers......

    1. good idea. especially that morning reminder of your word.

  9. Love your word Grace and thanks for sharing the quote from the book. I chose the word "cleansing" and then the word "freedom" has also been strong which I will explore this year. I'm a Gemini so there is always duality in my thinking so I have two words! I will make journal pages for each and do a lot of journal writing. I love all the ideas you offer for honoring our words so I definitely will look into adopting one or more of those - thanks again! On a side note, you inspire me so much. I started a fabric art collage piece after I saw your purple one recently. This is my winter project and I am loving the burst of new inspiration! I usually work with paints but decided I'd get back to fabrics via your beautiful pieces that inspire! Peace Jane, and Grace!

  10. My word for this year is Serenity. I need to remind myself to be calm about the chaos around me. I am going to use your suggestion and make a pillow for my living room as a constant reminder. And I may just draw out the word and use some techniques I'm learning in my drawing class and frame it.

    1. a living room pillow is a fine idea! I can picture one in my own living room right now!

  11. I made a prayer flag for my studio entrance door last year with my word of the year, EXPLORE. I included found objects that were special to me. Here's a link that shows how I made it.

    1. great idea to put it on the entrance to your studio, Regina! thanks for sharing.

  12. Replies
    1. What's your word, Sue? and yeah, no tattoo, unless it's a temporary one!

  13. My word for this year is: Completion. I have many projects in various stages and want to feel the flow of completion from them. I have my word written on my chalk board, on my idea board and my bathroom mirror!! This way first thing in the morning I see it and plant it in my brain! May you always have Grace and Peace through your year. Pam Gonzalez

    1. thank Pam! good idea to have our one word in multiple places!

  14. I like your word for this year! I like your ideas but wouldn't go so far as a tattoo - lol! I like just writing the word on a piece of paper and putting it up by my work space. Just a gentle, daily reminder. Bringing things into focus.

    Would love to win the book. Thanks for the heads up about it!

    Janet W

  15. I love your blog! So inspiring (but a way!)! My word is in on what I want to do, what to develop, what to nurture! And since it is National Hugging Day....big hugs to you!

    1. Thank you Allison! Happy day-after hugging day! :-)
      My friend Susie chose the same word as you and she wrote on facebook: "My word is focus...oh look, there's a squirrel!" funny, huh??

  16. My words (couldn't choose just one this year) are courage and compassion and I've been shopping around on Etsy to find a ring or bracelet with those words. Love the idea of a pillow, though! Would also love that book :)

  17. Carrie's book sounds wonderful! I have never chosen a word for the year before. But for several reasons close to my heart, I am choosing "Joy" for 2016. I love your word and your ideas for keeping it in front of you as a constant reminder. Thank you for always being an inspiration!

  18. I am so honored that you were inspired by my book and my words. I must tell you that that is one of my very favorite moments in the book and you so got it! It was such a pleasure to connect with you at CraftNapa. You are so talented so to think that I inspired you in any way makes me feel very good. The road runs east as well as west and I'm equally inspired by you! Sthira sukham asanam, my friend. Grace has already found you. The hunt for grace is a fruitful one. I've been on the quest in recent years, too. I know you'll enjoy this word this year. It is rich. Much love to you.

    1. Ah Carrie, than you for your lovely words!! xoxo

  19. I had Grace as a word in prior year and loved it, it still bubbles up as a word that I forever will hold next to my heart as a reminder to keep close to Grace. I do not make anything with my word. Yet I collect quotes, lyric lines, bits of poetry, lines from literature, short phrases, and proverbs with my word in it. I also collect them with synonyms of my word. I feel this allows me to go deeper into it's meaning. My words for this year, I often choose two, are purpose and give. Thank you for sharing Carrie Bloomston's book with me. Even though I will not win, I will look it up! You've inspired me Jane with your artwork and I'm working this year on finding what I have to give and where art fits in the purpose of my life. It ought to be a great adventure.

    1. thank you so much Laura! and I adore how you will travel deeper into your word with quotes and synonyms.
      So far I've only thought of Grace Kelly! I need to go deeper indeed.

  20. It was you Jane who a few years ago first inspired me to choose a word for the year. This year it is "Practice." I discovered on Ali Edwards' website that she sells acrylic cut-outs custom made for a person's choice of word (less than $10) so this year I am having one made to hang on my wall. Thank you for having a giveaway! oxoxo

    1. Yikes! of course I had to go over to Ali Edwards site! wow, so many products! but I did order the acrylic cut out. good idea!

  21. Jane, thank you for sharing Carrie's excerpt. Grace is one of my favorite words. I use it as often as possible in conversations - to remind me to be gracious and kind.

    This year my word is HOME. Half way through 2015 my Mom passed away. She was a darling 99, who suffered a heart attach while putting her shoes on so she could start her day. As I got her seated and sat with her while we waited for the Hospice nurse to arrive, I looked around and realized my world was about to change drastically. The loss of a mom, a fun companion, and the home I had know for many years brought grief and longing bubbling up. Through the following months I was right. My siblings and I decided to sell the house, and furnishings. I would move once the house was sold, and begin a new life in a new place that I would call home. The transitions have been filled with challenges, yet my vision was clear - a home filled with creative spaces and cherished memories in a surrounding of inspiration. I have just begun to unpack boxes and already uncovered treasures from decades ago, when I had my own home.

    As I look back, my 2015 word was COMFORT - and I was able to provide that to my mom; I was comforted by the solidarity of my family; and was comfortable about the changes taking place. Now I can carry forth last year's word as I mold my new home into a comfortable place for me and my family & friends. I feel graced by God's blessing of all the gifts I have received through 2015.

    1. wonderful story, Lorna, thank you for sharing. I love that you are creating your own 'home' at last. Best to you!

  22. Thank you for sharing carrie's book.

  23. I focus on my word when I'm doing my daily sun salutations.

    1. perfect! (In fact, when I met Carrie, she was wearing a 'salute the sun' sweatshirt!)

  24. I've been thinking hard to choose a word, and I found one on another blog that I think I must share. I've tried to come up with something different, but I can't get this one off my mind. The word is "flourish". I know there may be several ways to look at the word "flourish", but in my case I want it to mean to flourish in all that I do. Sort of like mindfulness, but a bit more expanded. To be present and joyful in the moment of creating, travel, time with friends, or simply flourishing within my home with my husband, garden, and cats. Also to be a bit more brave. I may design and rug hook a wall rug that says "flourish" using lots of colorful scrappy wool. I've been trying to come up with something new to hook, and this just may be it!

    1. perfect! I was going to use "Thrive" last year and it reminds me of your definition of "flourish.' love the hooked rug idea!

  25. Thanks to you, I gave a great deal of thought to my word this year: MOVE! Move on, move out of my comfort zone, get up out of that chair.... and it is on the title page of my first week of 2016 in my bullet journal/planner/idea book as well. It will grace the title page for each month, ever present. Thanks, as always, for your energy and inspiration!

    1. excellent! love the idea of writing it each month in our planners too.

  26. Choosing my word this year led me to choosing an animal. I keep seeing it in places that remind me of its importance and I know it may appear in some work this year.
    I have it stamped on a piece hanging in my studio. It's a turtle by the way.

    1. fascinating! and how cool that it can be a motif in your artwork too.

  27. I've been playing with various ways of handwriting my word "joy". I don't really love "J's", but I think I've found my fave. I love the tattoo idea, but that would require GUTS...maybe that's next year's word!

    1. and so many ways to use that handwritten joy, aren't there? a stamp, free motion quilting, create rocks to spell joy and photo them. Write it in the sand.....oh my! so many ideas.

  28. I have been taking yoga classes for 2 years now with an amazing teacher. For the winter solstice we chose a word or phrase that we would concentrate on until the spring solstice. Mine was simplicity. We tied a red thread braclet to our wrist as a reminder when we see it of our word that we are focusing on it. We are encouraged to journal as well. As a fiber artist I have found that this has helped in so many ways. I would love to read Carrie's book and learn more. Thank you for sharing.

    1. What an excellent idea. Our new years yoga class discussed choosing a word, but I love tying it into the solstice. And of course, a red thread on the wrist is perfect. thanks for sharing this!

  29. I've never chosen a word before, but I am going through a rough patch of not being able to galvanize myself into anything creative, so you've inspired me to try choosing a word for the year! Many years ago, when I was 39 and my daughter was 4, I had breast cancer. Drawing and painting got me through it. I brought out an inner self on paper, and she said and did all the courageous, crappy, self-protecting, outrageous things I had to do to survive at that time. Her name was Dorlinda Moonfeather, and she had wild grey hair, a charming smile, and a dumpy yet sturdy, healthy body. So my word for this year is Dorlinda. I'm going to dig out her "portrait," hang it up, and rejoice in the fact that at 62 I now look more like Dorlinda. :) Maybe I can learn to act like her, too! I was also very moved by the quote from Carrie. So Grace is going to be my secondary word. It reminds me to give myself (and Dorlinda) some space, to not be judgmental about where I am on any given day, and to reach for the "hinge between effort and effortless." Thank you for your post. It is just what I needed today and this year. Really, truly, bless you!!

    1. Hello Dorlinda Moonfeather!! so glad she's been resurrected! :-)

    2. YOU are the winner!! DA BEST!! email me with your name and address!

  30. Addendum: Another thing I have just done is to create a screensaver for my computer with the photo of your yoga pose and Carrie's quote alongside it. A potent reminder, any time I sit down at my computer, which I do a lot.

    1. brilliant. After reading this, I immediately did the same thing! thanks!

  31. i definitely recognized that tree pose!!! No doubt that it's you in the picture! I'd love to win htis book---I actually just bought it (it arrived yesterday) but have a friend who is very in need of creative sparks!!

  32. Thanks for this. I keep running into "grace" although it turned out not to be my word for the year. I often created a vision board/collage that reminds me of my direction for the year

    1. I believe in vision boards........but do I ever make one? not for years. Thanks for the reminder!!

  33. This is amazing, serendipitous, meant to be! I enjoy your blog and check-in occasionally but have not done it for awhile. Today, I decided to look for the first time in 2016 and I see that you have chosen the same word for the year as I have, GRACE. I even made a journal page of it for the class I'm taking in Sketchbook Skool. (Last week the class was on lettering so I used different letters for my word and thoughts). I would love to show you the page except I don't know how to do that - I do struggle with some of the technical aspect of things! In any case, I want you to know how much I enjoy your Blog and your artwork. From what you write and from what you create, I think you must already have much GRACE in your soul. Enjoy a year on focusing on it even more.

    1. thank you! and I'm so happy we're sharing the same word this year!

  34. I made a mandala with my word and how I hope to manifest it throughout the year.

    1. with the word itself? very cool idea!

  35. My word for the year is self-care....-self-care is not selfish...I need to listen closely to what my appetite needs... Physical, emotional and spiritual care...and then do it...I began to with I my journal.. Myself doing a yoga pose...haha...

    1. no, it's not selfish at all! good for you!

  36. In January, I change my passwords on facebook and email to some variation/affirmation that includes my word for the year. For example, yours might be "IliveinGrace" xo

    1. great idea! then it really keeps it in your mind.


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