Friday, April 01, 2016


Japanese Friendship Garden, Balboa Park, San Diego (photo by Jane LaFazio)
The photo above looks idyllic, doesn't it? Beautiful garden on a gorgeous day and fabulous San Diego's Balboa Park. So peaceful.
2nd graders making art
This was the other view of the same location! I taught 20 little 2nd graders how to plein air paint! I love teaching kids, but I gotta say, I was exhausted about just a little over an hour with these little artists! 
They made tiny watercolor journals and captured the cherry blossoms in bloom.
Me, overseeing my students
The photo above, is me and the photo below is my dad.
My dad, (in the center, front) somewhere in San Francisco, many years ago.
My dad passed away a number of years ago. (My parents were divorced when I was less than 2 years old, but I saw him once a month.) After he retired, he volunteered with groups of kids. He loved helping little kids, teaching them reading, or math or whatever, and for most of my life I couldn't figure out why.

But about a dozen years or so ago, I got the hankering to teach kids. It must have been in my DNA. Over the years, I have been a visiting artist in numerous elementary schools, and even created and ran my own grant-funded after-school art program (Mundo Lindo) for 6 years. 

When I got the opportunity, recently, to teach art these 2nd graders in Balboa Park, I jumped at it. 

Must be in my DNA.

PS April 18 is my 10 year anniversary of blogging and I'm thinking of stopping. What's your opinion?


  1. I have followed you forever, it seems... your blogs would be missed! But then again, there's always facebook. Do what make you happy

  2. Stop blogging? Maybe fewer posts if you are feeling overwhelmed. Is it a chore to come up with ideas? Doesn't appear that way to me! But stop? Are you going to stop teaching, eating, traveling, painting, journaling? Uh, I didn't think so ...

  3. I really hope you don't stop blogging. I find lots of inspiration in your blogs and just love seeing what you are doing.

  4. I hope you don't stop. I have recently found your blog, have become a follower, and really am inspired by your combination fabric and watercolor art.

    1. thank you Deb. Appreciate the kind words.

  5. I have followed your blog since Sketchbook Skool and would miss your artistic input. Your blog exemplifies the joy of artistic expression. I love seeing you incorporate your life into sketches, quilts, felt art, and usable objects like your pencil cases. So, if you do quit blogging, know you are appreciated for what you have done!

  6. I hope you don't stop completely... I love following what you are doing and dream of being able to take a workshop with you sometime.

  7. Yours is one of my favorite blogs.I would miss it a lot!

    1. thank you Atie. I appreciate your kind words.

  8. I love reading your blog. Please don't stop completely.

    1. thanks Studio TBF, yeah, maybe slowing down is the answer.

  9. I hope you don't stop blogging completely. I love your watercolor style!

  10. is this your "poisson - avril" joke as is our custom here in France? please don't let it be true!!!! I love your blog and visit it often for inspiration! please continue! even if you just showed some inspirational pictures (but I would still miss the stories around)!!

    1. No anja, not a poisson-avril joke! thanks for your nice words!

  11. I know from my own blog that it can be challenging to keep up with so over the years I have let it wax or wane depending on what's going on in my life, maybe just cut back the number of posts and see how that feels letting it wane until and if you are ready to wax again-

    1. thanks Lisa. yea, maybe is just waning time...

  12. I hope you don't. I love your eclectic touch to everything that you show us. Cut back, so many are doing this, but please don't stop. You are such an inspiration.

  13. Bad Bad idea! Many, many people would miss you. Not a funny April Fool's Day joke. Pout! Sniffle! Whine!! :-P

    You create a wonderful, fun blog. Hope you don't.

    1. thanks collins! not an april fools joke...just didn't look at the calendar! thanks sooo very much for your kind words!

  14. hope you are only foolin. the world would be less colourful so less posting is an idea. it is hard to post often as life inserts its self in our art plans. You have a way of teaching folks to SEE, not all teachers can do that. i call that "Bright Moments!" and is a gift to students if they are open at the top. Besides your students Love to see themselves in your class postings!

    1. thanks you Sonja. thanks soo very much for you kind words!

  15. I would miss your blog for sure. I am a full time 2nd grade teacher, so I understand how exhausting and wonderful teaching them can be! Your blog is an inspiration and also a bit of an escape for me, enjoying the adventures of a full time artist and living the life I often dream about. You are inspiring Jane! so I hope you continue but if you stop I hope you will share your adventures another way. I so enjoy your art and learn so much from you.

    1. thank you Randi. I really appreciate your kind words.

  16. Stop? Seriously? I really hope not, I love your blog.

  17. Ok, it is April fools day, I hope that was an April fools joke!

  18. Such a legacy you are continueing!! Such a gift you are sharing. I agree with you, working with kids is exhausting but the vibe that stays with you afterwords is PRICELESS!! I never hesitate w=to work with young kids. They so need to learn that they do not have to be constrained by creativity but empowered by it!! BRAVO!!

    1. yes, working with kids is priceless! and you're right Elizabeth, I won't turn down the opportunity! thanks.

  19. I hope you don't stop. Even though I do not comment, I read all your posts. I am grateful for your willingness to share your experiences with us, love love your encouraging "how-to-s". You add hope and inspiration to my life. You inspire me to be expressively creatively original, without self criticism. I understand that your life is full, and we out here, are a part of that full life, we are those who gain, by your willingness to tell us, about living a full creative. life. stuff ! Thank you. patricia wisdom

    1. thank you Patricia! for your kind and supportive words!

  20. Jane, I have been following you on your blog for almost 9 years now, and have been so inspired by all your beautiful work. I know how full your schedule has been, and understand if you are trying to scale back a little. But I would miss reading and seeing your posts, plus you have a huge audience here to reach about your classes, videos, etc! Whatever you decide, know that you touch many, many of us with all that you share!

    1. Ah, Judy! thank you so much!! I so appreciate your support over the years!

  21. i really enjoy your blog. I've been following for years. i also follow you on instagram. I don't do Facebook so would miss your blog. your tutorials are great!!!

    1. thanks Stacey! are you on my newsletter list?

  22. Gosh...I really hate to see the blog end, but I understand different seasons in life. I have taken all of your online workshops, own your DVDs. Hopefully you will continue to offer new online workshops, and make an occasional appearance in Sketchbook Skool.

    YOU WERE THE ONE TO START ME ON MY ART JOURNAL JOURNEY! Thank you!!! I will forever be grateful, and I continue to sketch each day!

    1. thank you so much for your kind words and your support!

  23. I love your blog and it is one of the first things I read in the morning. You are an inspiration and it was because of your blog that I started to do an art journal also. I have purchased your DVD's and when I start to doubt my ability to draw I find that they give me the spark to continue.

  24. I occur with all the above comments. Maybe a monthly newsletter we could sign up to would be the way forward?

    1. I do have a newsletter! please sign up here:


  25. Don't stop! I'm always waiting for your posts about sketching, Jane:)

  26. Jane, I have to join the chorus! I love your blog and projects and yoga poses! You have been an inspiration to me. I just watched the "cereal box" journal video series and planning to acquire some Krylon Gesso spray tomorrow. I have some Bisquick and Cracker boxes to experiment with. Love the variety of projects your pursue. Your voice is unique in the "artist blog" community. I surely understand the need to "wane" periodically as other commenter mentioned. Hope you can find a way to maintain your presence here, but that meets your needs for freedom to pursue projects. I loved the picture of your Dad. You both have the hands-clasped-on-the-knee pose, so endearing. Yes your teaching is in your DNA. Most fondly, one of your readers in College Hill, Ohio.

    1. Thank you Carol! thanks so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them.
      I didn't even notice the clasped on the knee pose!! I love that!! thanks so much for seeing it. xo

  27. I would really miss hearing from you. Maybe at least put out a newsletter monthly, please?

    1. Hi Nelda,
      I do have a monthly newsletter......I have for years! Please sign up!

  28. I have read your blog for many years and would definitely miss it but I also understand the need for changes in anyone's life. I have wanted to be an artist for a very long time and reading your blog and taking an online class of yours and watching your DVD has gotten me started on the path. I'm slow but I think I'm getting there! Your posts are always lovely to read and even more lovely to look at and I must admit, make me a little jealous that I don't do more art (but that is my problem, not yours!).

    Please do whatever makes you happy and feels like what you need to do because that's what life is all about!

    1. Thank you Mariane, I really appreciate your support!

  29. I like your blog but understand how it can become an ever-hungry fire to feed. I had a blog for a few years. I enjoyed it, but eventually had said all I had to say. I took a few years off. I recently started another, and it is just photos of my sketches, sometimes with one sentence or two. No pressure. I think it is ok to take a break and re-fill the well.

  30. I have followed your blog for YEARS (although I am not a commenter), loved your Sketchbook Skool class, and find your work and energy so inspiring. You should do whatever is best for you. I know you will figure out the best way to proceed. Thank you for your creative example and the generous way you have shared your work over the years. Your fans will figure out a way to follow you even if you stop blogging.

  31. I have just recently discovered your blog and would be so very sad to see it stop. However, I do understand the commitment must be great and restricting at times. I will miss your creative spirit but assume access to the blog would continue and your history is so rich I am inspired every time I browse past posts! thank you!!


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