Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Quilt Show ~ starring ME!

Alex Anderson, me and Ricky Tims

The Quilt Show starring Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims is an Interactive online community for Quilters worldwide. As part of that community, they host an online TV show, I'm starring in Episode #1903, to air online only July 31.


My appearance will be Episode #1903 July 31, 2016. If you are a member of The Quilt Show, or want to join, go here to see it.  Or wait until, and you can see my episode for free for one week only August 7th - August 14th, 2016.


  1. Hi Jane,
    Just viewed your appearance on The Quilt Show. I was in a artistic slump and now I am inspired!! Love your work.

  2. I really enjoyed watching you on The Quilt Show! I am inspired now to go through my own sketchbook and try your techniques! I love your work!! Thank you for sharing this!


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