Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Teaching at Stratford-upon-Avon

that's me, teaching on location in Stratford-upon-Avon
I just returned from two weeks in England. First, a few days in London, then a 6-day art retreat in Stratford-upon-Avon. Then to Birmingham for the Quilt Festival.

Here's the first installment.
another view of my students at work
Have you wondered what my Sketching and Watercolor trips are like? The top photo says it all! I teach on location. The students grabbed some tables at the cafe across from Shakespeare's house and I did a demo and then they drew and painted with my encouragement and instruction. (And yes, I made them order tea and scones at the cafe!)
We were all drawing this building.
It's the house where William Shakespeare was born and lived.
You see, we travel together (this time in Stratford-upon-Avon) and I find a cool location and then we draw and paint. Sometimes a cafe, sometimes a park bench. It's lots of fun! We're all in it together, and we really capture the moment on paper and in our memories.

(I'll be leading more adventures like this to Charleston, South Carolina, Montreal to Quebec City and France in 2017. See my teaching schedule here.)
my wonderful students!
(photos and layout by Cheryl Sargent Flatt)
 I've got lots more pictures to show you from my trip to England! stay tuned!


  1. Jane, I'm so envious! I've been there, and those "wattle and daub" houses are so picturesque ... beautiful inspiration for your watercolor classes! Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a treat! Jane's art retreat at Stratford-upon-Avon.
    So fun, what a great experience.
    Thanks for sharing the photos.


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