Saturday, April 01, 2017

Mexico City. The murals of Diego Rivera. Fourth installment

Diego Rivera's signature on one of the frescos. (notice the hammer and sickle?)
One of the biggest personal discoveries, for me, was the huge range of work, created by Diego Rivera. Just in Mexico City, there are dozens and dozens of his HUGE powerful and deeply meaningful murals. His sense of composition, and the strong message is incomparable. While at Palacia de Bellas Artes, I saw a video of his murals located at the Secretary of Publication Building in Mexico City. I knew I had to see them!

The Building is huge, filled with working offices. It's free to go in. Unfortunately, we didn't have a guide, so many of the murals messages remain a mystery to me. I am starting my research!

(Links for are at the bottom of this post)
The Secretary of Education Building, interior courtyard

A couple of murals were being painstakingly restored, with a teeny tiny brush
These are all photos I took with my Iphone. 
Santa Anita (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1922-24)

The Market (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923-24)
Looks kinda like Diego, in the jacket doesn't it?

 The Dyers (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)
 Sugar Mill (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)
The Rural Teacher (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)
The Harvest (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)

The Offering (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)
Day of the Dead (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923-24)
Tehuantepec Women (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1923)
The murals on the lower level depict the story of Mexico. The murals on the 3rd floor are clearly more political.
We Want to Work (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
Wall Street Banquet (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
So, the mural above was done right before the fall of Wall Street, and the start of the Depression...

Literacy (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
Emiliano Zapata (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
The Protest (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
He Who Want to Eat has to Work (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1928)
Look at the figure in the bottom of the above mural. 
Here's a detail shot. The figure seems to be an, paint, books. Is she/he wearing lamb's ears? I have no idea!

In the Arsenal (Fresco by Diego Rivera 1929
Clearly Frida Kahlo made it into one of the murals. Above.

Fascinating huh? And these were only some of the dozens of Rivera's murals at the Education Building.

See installment one, two, and three. I'll share more of our trip in my next post. But meanwhile, here are the links so you can plan your trip!

Mexico City
The Red Tree House B&B, Condesa (FANTASTIC)
Merotoro restaurant, Condesa (very good)
Museo del Palacia de Bellas Artes (murals. amazing. do not miss)
Soumaya Museum (incredible collection. do not miss)
La Capital restaurant, Condesa (we ate there twice)
Museo National de Antopologia  (all day venture, with lunch on the patio. do not miss)
Museo Frida Kahlo Casa Azul (Frida and Diego's house. duh, do not miss. make advance reservations)
Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli (amazing building. architect: Rivera)
Murals de Diego Rivera Secretary of Education Building (Diego fans do not miss)

Netouring with guide Kuny. (Private tour and bus)

Mesones Sacristia  (small hotel, perfect location, with excellent food)
Talavera de la Reyna (gorgeous quality talavera pottery-there's a factory nearby, but it's closed on Sundays)
Museo Amparo (ultra-modern museum with great upstairs cafe view)
St Maria Tonatzintla cathedral (like no other you've ever seen!)
Manos de la Tierra (jewelry store)
Carlos Rivero Tours (tour guide and transportation)


  1. I think the person has donkey ears. Notice the foot on their back, treated like a working donkey or horse. Anyway, that's what I see when I look at it.

  2. Jane, I think Andy is correct! I immediately thought the same thing when I saw the image. A mule being kicked. Artists are often treated badly in revolutions because they are creative. Dictators don't want creatives around!

  3. Jane, here's a link to some of Diego's murals at a past exhibit at the MOMA. Very cool interactive link that explains some of his murals, as well as shows the process of creating the frescos!

  4. Thank you so much for showing these wonderful works. It's good to know they are being restored. Maidi in Australia


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