Sunday, June 25, 2017

Montreal, Canada

from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
I just returned from another wonderful trip with Arts & Cultural Travel. I was the teaching artist, and 9 fabulous women (and one husband *mine*) came along for the adventure.

mojito makings
The first evening in Montreal, we were treated to a cooking class at Ateliers & Saveurs. It was fabulous! We even learned how to make mojitos. It was really a first class experience.

I love a group cooking class! So much fun, and you learn a lot too. And bond, as you are learning to cut chives without bruising them, and to flambe scallops together.

Here's our group, along with the chef, and his two helpers.
That's our chef. You can see the class set up is really impressive.
eek! flambe scallops!

we made this salmon in class!
After cooking, we all sat down in their private dining room for a delicious meal.
cool chandelier at Ateliers & Saveurs

I loved the city of Montreal. We stayed in the old city, and it was clean, safe and with great restaurants on every corner. AND public art and illuminations on many walls of the city. And, it's a very tolerant city, with many religions, nationalities and sexual orientations. Loved it! I would visit again in a heartbeat.

sketching and watercolor in the Basilica in Montreal
After our morning walking tour, of Montreal, I gave a lesson and we sketched and watercolored in the beautiful Notre Dame Basilica.
Four of my lovely students on the train ride to Quebec City
From our too short stay in Montreal, we headed by first class/business class Canadian Rail to Quebec City. First class means, comfy seats, cocktails, wine and lunch are all included! They serve you right in your seat. 
The scenery was all green and rural. A lovely 3 hour ride. 
Yoga Poses in Public Places on Canada Rail

my husband, Don, working on his sketchbook on the train

Me, on the train

arrival in Quebec City!
Next post, we'll explore Quebec City.

By the way, Arts & Cultural Travel and I are planning a trip to Cuba in 2018. If you'd like more information, add your name to the list here. (Group people-to-people tours are still allowed.)


  1. Sketching, water color classes, cooking classes , first class train rides
    And all in beautiful Canada, what a fun experience!
    Great idea Jane.

  2. Your pics make me nostalgic. A nice place for watercolours!I love both cities. I spent a summer in Montreal learning French and the culture in university days. We visited the basilica. I also worked as a porter on the trains for a coupke of summers. More recently, we would go to Quebec for the winter skiing. We're about a six hour drive from the city.
    The cooking class looked pretty wonderful too.

    1. gosh! sounds like you could have been our guide! lucky you for spending time in both cities.

  3. I am very touched that you loved "my" city, where I grew up. I enjoy your take on Montréal, open-minded and artistically oriented.


Thanks so much for visiting!