Monday, November 13, 2017

More photos from France.

Ah, Paris! 
Just a few of the moments on our fabulous trip to France, in September 2017 with The Blue Walk.
Monet's Garden ~ Giverny 
I spent my birthday at Monet's Garden

Monet's Lily Pond

One of the many, many paintings Monet did of his lily pond
our fabulous group at Luxenbourg Gardens, Paris

Drawing at Luxenbourg Gardens, Paris

Our artwork at the base of the sculpture we drew! 
Don and I (bottom picture)
I found the postcard, above, at the Paris Flea Market. Below, my husband and I reenact it!

And below is our team (Jeanette and Lorie) taking the photo and helping with styling.

Musee d'Orsay
Of course we visited Musee d'Orsay, my favorite Paris Museum.
Yoga Poses in Public Places Musee d'Orsay, September 2017

The Paris Opera House

I'd never been to the Paris Opera House. Oh my! truly spectacular. I'd love to go to a performance there someday.

Me demoing IN the Paris Opera House
A painting by Edouard Manet ( 1873)  in the spot where we were drawing above! 

Our group on the River Seine, in Paris

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