Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Cuba! a video and my sketchbooks

Havana, Cuba (photo by Jane LaFazio)
Two cats. Havana, Cuba (photo by Jane LaFazio)

I was in Cuba for two weeks in February 2018. I taught two groups, a dozen each week. They came from all over the US and we had a fabulous time!
Me and my students. Havana, Cuba

Me and my students. Vinales Valley, Cuba

Here's the 9 minute VIDEO I made of the trip.
Photos and my sketchbook.


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Un très joli billet... Vous avez visité un merveilleux pays.

    Gros bisous 🎀

  2. Wow, I didn't know, you (from the US) can travel to Cuba. Beautiful country!

    1. I traveled with a group, on a special 'people to people' type visa. thanks!

  3. Cuba is such a beautiful and interesting place - glad you enjoyed your visit.


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