Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sketchbook Skool Konvention in Pasadena, California

The first ever SketchKon is a big, unkonventional konventioln devoted to drawing, painting, creativity, and friendship with other artists just like you and me!

November 2-3 Konvention, Pasadena, California.
Check out the schedule. There's so much to do and so many choices!

I'll be teaching 8 Objects 8 Ways on November 1, the day before the convention starts.

8 Objects 8 Ways 

Take my one day workshop before the Konvention starts!

8 Objects 8 Ways 
THURSDAY, November 1 (10am-5pm)  

Hold onto your pen, it’s going to be a full and fun day! Jane will teach you to draw (yes, she will) and paint in watercolor in her fun, easy, intuitive style. Remember, your drawing style is as unique to you as your handwriting, and in this class you’ll be able to try different tools, techniques and styles, to see what works best for you. During class, you’ll draw 8 objects in 8 different ways to create a cool journal page and great record of different techniques.


Included in your registration
Friday, November 3, 3:00-3:50pm
The Traveling Accordion Sketchbook
Don't miss my presentation!
Sketchbook Skool Fakulty member, Jane LaFazio is lucky to be able to travel the world teaching sketching and watercolor. She has found an accordion journal works great to record the sites with a single, displayable book devoted to each location. She will show you her illustrated journals from her travels to Cuba, Quebec, Europe, Sequoia National Park, New Mexico and more. She’ll also extol the benefits of zig zag journals for recipes, everyday objects, and nature. Jane will share her favorite brands and tell you how to make your own accordion journal. In addition, she will talk about painting on location while traveling, her supplies and experiences. You’ll come away inspired to create your own accordion journal, with ideas on what to include in it.

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