Wednesday, January 16, 2019

from my sketchbook ~ waiting in the airport

Just draw whatever is in front of you.

My husband and I went to Morocco! I'm working on the video from our trip, and of course, it will include the sketchbook from the journey. Meanwhile, a couple of pages from New York, as we waited for the plane to Casablanca.

Rather than drawing people, I chose to draw their luggage....
I still had to work fast, because of people piling more luggage in front of what I was drawing...

Waiting at JFK by Jane LaFazio

My sweet husband was drawing too!

1 comment:

  1. Love both of those little pan palettes!! I've got one of those teeny ones (the size of a biz card case) w/ paint colors used by Mark Taro Holmes. Love that little blue palette tin you've got too - just the right size! Would you mind talking about - in a future blog post) about the colors you're taking along on your trip?


Thanks so much for visiting!