Tuesday, October 23, 2007

San Diego Fires

As many of you may know, I live in San Diego, specifically the community of Rancho Bernardo. San Diego is in the midst of a nightmare of wild fires. My husband and I were awoken by the police department on Monday morning, 10/21/07 at 5am and told to evacuate our home. With just 5 minutes to 'pack' we gathered our two kitties, computer hard drive, our binder full of insurance papers. I grabbed just one other outfit, sweatpants, a sweatshirt and 2 right shoes.
We are staying at our friend Virginia's, about 20 miles south of home. We are 85% sure our house is okay, but can't go back untill the authorities say it's okay--tomorrow or the next day. We are very comfortable, and blessed to have the safe home of a good friend to stay with our kitties.
Keep everyone in San Diego in your thoughts. Over 1,000 homes have burned, 500,000 people evacuated, and more than 200,000 acres burned as of this moment.

PS my plainjanestudio.com website seems to have been hi-jacked or something. I'm hoping my dear website guy and friend, Fred, can get it back.


  1. Hi, Jane. I just got an e-mail returned that I sent yesterday, undeliverable. Then I checked your blog and saw your post... I am so relieved you are okay, and will continue to pray for you and all those in the path of fire. I hate fire season... especially in So. Calif! We
    have had winds here over the past several, but nothing like the Santa Anas that whip up the wildfires there. Stay safe!
    Judy Sall

  2. Hi sister!

    It was good to hear your voice last night. We're SOO glad you two are safe/comfortable with friends and the kitties too! I sure hope your home is still standing with all your cool art & clothes in it.. boy, what a nightmare for all of you San Diegoans. You're in my thoughts & prayers, sister.


  3. Jane,

    I'm so glad you have a safe haven. My thoughts are with you and I hope all is well.

  4. These fires are such a tragedy - it is hard to imagine your evacuation. So glad you are safe - and that is the most important thing! A big hug for you and your family!

  5. I'm so dim sometimes, I was watching the news and a light went on - Jane's in San Diego. I've lived through hurricanes but have never had to leave my home. I can't imagine what that must feel like. Stay safe and scratch Buddy and BB for me.

  6. Prayers for you and others in this horrible plight ... many many prayers ...

  7. Jane,
    I'm so glad to hear that you and your husband and kitty cats are ok. I've had you all in my thoughts and prayers over the past day. Thank you for updating your blogging friends.


  8. Thinking of you, Jane. Stay safe! xox-Wendee

  9. Jane - was so worried about you; and when saw your website in that generic form thought "uh oh" -- it says "domain expired" -- BUT thank God you have your blogspot - :-) - you are a creative wonder, in far more ways than one. SO GLAD YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND ARE OKAY -- keep us all posted. Mark and I are supposed to go to Mexico on Saturday, and I am taking my watercolor journal & paint - THANK YOU for opening that new door to me. LOVE & PRAYERS -- Davi (Huffman) in Encinitas

  10. Hi, Jane. I'm so glad you're safe. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you come home to a safe house with all your things, especially your precious works of art, still intact. Take care of yourselves and your kitties. Best to you. Lizzie

  11. Hi Jane, glad to know you are safe. We have family staying here too due to smoke at their houses. It is so terrible, we are praying for all those affected by the fires. We seem to be surrounded this year, they are all around us.

  12. Jane! I'm so glad that you and dh and kitties are all okay.

    Over the past few days I've been looking through my books and past issues of magazines, and your work keeps popping up at me! I love making those connections. Your art draws us in, and invites us to love life, right in this moment.

    I find that my art comforts me when I am facing a rough time. Maybe you can grab some paper and sketch something, finding the tenderness in the turmoil....

  13. Jane,

    I am so glad you and family are safe. I remember how strange everything felt after the last "big" earthquake in SF. Thinking of you and yours. Karen


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