Thursday, August 20, 2009

graffiti: in progress

I started the pieces of this in a workshop with Lisa Englebrecht at the Long Beach Quilt Festival. (She's an excellent teacher, by the way, and a lovely human.) At home, I sewed it together, did some stamping, free motion stitching and a little additional paint. I'm not sure what it will become. Maybe a folder, or book cover, or part of a tote..

Today, after yoga, I was thinking how lucky and blessed and I am to be able to create art nearly every day. I LOVE making art--either alone, with friends, and while teaching. Making art is the best thing ever. I'm so glad I discovered my gift for art, and even more glad I've created a life where it is such an integral part of my day. Mucho GRATITUDE here!


  1. I LOVE making art work, too, Jane, and LOVE see other people's work, and LOVE seeing yours!! Thanks for the wonderful reminder of gratitude, and for sharing all your creative journeys with us! xox

  2. I love your art and you are an integral part of my every day and an inspiration.



  3. What a yummy piece of graffiti, Jane! Yes I agree with you, Lisa is fantastic! This was my 2nd class with her. Your progress on this is great. This kind of art.....the more the better.
    I am off to do a little drawing myself. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. I totally agree... without art in my life, I think everything would be gray... or maybe puce! ;->
    Love your graffiti, by the way!

  5. Beautiful! So glad you've incorporated lettering into the piece - love it!

  6. How cool you took a class with Lisa who taught for us in Orvieto in May. Isn't her pursuit of graffiti wonderful, and what she is doing working with graffiti artists? Out of the box wonderful.

  7. Jane, I love this one-it has such fun colors, shapes-caligraphy/graffiti ;-)


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