Sunday, August 23, 2009

Seaport Village, San Diego

Our San Diego SketchCrawlers group met for our monthy..duh...SketchCrawl yesterday at Seaport Village. It's always lovely to sit and sketch, then gather for lunch and share our sketchbooks.

Speaking of camaraderie and art! You know I'm doing the Bella Italia: Orvieto Sketchbook in May 2010? And you know you need to come too! In a nutshell, we'll be sketching and painting (I'll teach you!) and winetasting and sketching and painting and learning to make pasta and sketching and painting and wandering the ancient town of Orvieto and sketching and painting and shopping in the local market and picnicing...Pretty darn lovely, if you ask me. Also, my very good friend, the amazing and extremely witty Jan Phillips will be leading a photography-based trip at the very same time! That means we can all hang together for many of the activities and if you have a friend or spouse who'd rather take photographs than sketch and paint, they can be happy too!


  1. I so wish I lived close to where you give your watercolor classes!

  2. Jane, you described our week in Orvieto perfectly! It will be sublime, with rich discoveries at every turn. What grand a combination it will be, painting with you and exploring the beautiful streets and historic sites of sweet Orvieto together with Jan's group. Picnics and wine tastings to top it all off. Can't wait!

  3. Very pretty! Love the watercolor job on the leaves.


Thanks so much for visiting!