Saturday, November 21, 2009

crow dreams

I do like birds quite a bit, can you tell? This is about 10x10" and mixed media on paper. I've recently found that a can of spray gesso and a piece of lace is an excellent addition to any piece of art.....


  1. Thanks for the tip...I didn't know there was spray gesso!

  2. This is a wonderful peice of art...I really adore it. Do you have a love of just crows or all birds? I love gesso because of it's versatility but didn't know it came in a spray! Doesn't the nozzle get terribly clogged?


  3. spray gesso? really!? how cool would that be !!! will you incorporate a project using SPRAY GESSO in your 2010 mixed media w/ paper & cloth workshops? I hope so - I'd like to try that! MISSED you last night - we couldn't get downtown for the gig, but sure thought about you all day. :-) - xoxo - Davi

  4. Do you put the Gesso into a Mini Mister?


  5. I linked 'spray gesso' on my blog post. I got it at Dick Blick. and no, it doesn't become clogged and yes, it's VERY handy to have around the studio!!
    thanks everyone.

  6. Love this piece, and I too love the spray gesso -- thanks for the link!


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