Monday, November 23, 2009

november sketchcrawl 2009

We had a wonderful sketchcrawl yesterday! Eight of us met in Balboa Park sketched the morning at the fabulous Mingei Museum, my favorite museum in San Diego, then met for lunch and sharing our journals (photo) then a few of us went to the San Diego Museum of Art to sketch for a few more hours. Just a terrific day.

Hey, Art Unraveled website is up and you can register right now and they'll begin filling the workshops on December 15 for the August event! See registration details on the AU site.


  1. I would give just about anything to have gone with you. Looks like a wonderful time!

  2. What a good looking group! I had a great time.

  3. Hopefully one day Dianne and I will meet up with all of you again!


Thanks so much for visiting!