Thursday, December 10, 2009

No, my studio is not in this magazine

As a totally loyal subscriber and fan of Quilting Arts and Cloth Paper Scissor, of course I buy their Studios magazine too. Mary Fisher's amazing studio is pictured on the front and in the magazine. Imagine my surprise, when on page 23, Mary Fisher mentions me!! And I quote "...watercolor(now that I've learned it from Jane LaFazio)." Can you believe how incredibly kind it was of her to mention me!! Really, I'm very moved by this. I met Mary just once, at Art Unraveled last year, when she took my "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style."

And while I'm thanking generous women, I must mention the powerhouse Pokey Bolton! She has published me in her magazines numerous times, included me on her TV show, and at Make It University at the Quilt Festivals and I consider her a good friend, which thrills me no end.

And that leads to Lesley Riley, who introduced me to Pokey by writing an artist spotlight article about my quilt "Ralph's Letters." Cloth Paper Scissors Jan/Feb 2007. It's thanks to Lesley I've been on this wild ride of being published.

So huge thanks to the many generous women in my life! Pokey, Lesley and Mary and many more.


  1. You know your studio is welcome in Studios anytime, Jane!


  2. Oh Jane, Obviouslt she was giviing Real Credit to you for the wonderful lessons you teach and the joy you share of art!!Bravo!! I must find that magazine.

  3. Richly deserved. You have touched many of us:)

  4. Jane, you are so awesome and deserving of these accolades! I still have the quilting arts issue with your journaling article that I tote with me everytime I take a trip. One of these days I'll actually paint something. Want to come to Maui?

  5. Here I am just now seeing this post. I couldn't resist it when the title was.... No, My studio is not in this magazine! It sounded so humorous. I was delighted to meet Mary Fisher via this blog.... what a woman! I loved visiting her studio and everything else through her web site. Thank you for introducing me to her. We share a name and a hair color, Mary and I!


Thanks so much for visiting!