Wednesday, December 09, 2009

preparing for Orvieto!

I think this is the book for me! My trip to Orvieto is a go, so I'm really getting excited!! We've got 7 with room for just 3 more! Here's the Registration form and final payment is due February 10. If you've got an logistical questions, please email Bill and Kristi our most wonderful hosts.


  1. I lived in Rome for 12 years and miss my bella Italia. Will you be running this program next year? IF so, I will consider attending!

  2. There is so much to learn about the Italian language, but the word that will surely be used the most during the week with you in Orvieto is bella! Bella as you cross the threshold into the gracious convent B&B courtyard that will greet you as you come and go during the days to come; bella as you nuzzle your way through the best cappuccino on the planet, expertly made by Stephano; bella as you taste your first bite of umbrechelli laced with truffles - the local pasta made from scratch; bella bella as you sip your first crisp Orvieto Classico wine - the wine making this region of Italy so famous; aaaaah bella as you smell the soft spring scents of jasmine and wisteria hanging everywhere in this ancient hilltop town; and bella bella bella as each day unfolds on the pages of your sketchbook - inspired and gently guided by the very bella Jane LaFazio. We can't wait to use our bella language in May! Bill and Kristi

  3. I love your work and Italy sounds great! How can you not have a great time? Esp. loved your 'silk road' piece, I'm starting a whole series on that subject, myself! nice to visit here!

  4. Oh how I wish I could Go!!!


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