Monday, November 22, 2010

My Landscape...My inner landscape

my landscape
"My Landscape" measures 9x5" and was started in Houston, at the Quilt Festival, when I demoed by needlefelted for a short workshop. I began needlefelting as a way of creating an original surface to hand stitch on. (I just added this to my JaneVille Etsy shop)

my landscape~detail embellished
here's a close up of my stitching, and below the piece before it was hand stitched.

my landscape~detail unembellished


  1. Love your inner landscape! Am anxiously awaiting tutorial on the studio box. I'm snowed in and it would make a great project!!!

  2. The colors remind me of Bazaar del Mundo, which I miss sorely. I would love to come and get my color fix in your studio. Someday! Your work is alive, shouting, lovely all at the same time.

  3. You have a very lively and jolly inner landscape. Doesn't surprise me.

  4. Great box idea - 'spray gesso'?? I must put that on my wish list.


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