Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wet Felting Workshop in San Diego

LaFazio_Zen Eucalyptus mid view

I'm teaching wet felting in San Diego! Feb 5th & 6th, 9:00 a.m. to noon both days. 

Cost: $100, plus materials fee of $35 per student. We make an 18" square piece of felt on Saturday, and make it into something on Sunday. Register by calling Visions Art Museum, 619-546-4872 or emailing Beth Smith. (pictured is a detail shot of my quilt 'Zen Eucalyptus' currently on exhibition at the Oceanside Museum of Art.) You an see images of some of my wet felted pieces here.


  1. Oh bring on the wet messy fiber fun!!! Can't wait to see what you and your students create!!!

  2. Are you coming back to San Diego any time soon? I would love to attend one of your felting classes.

  3. Anonymous. I live in San Diego...I've got some felting workshops scheduled nearby. check my blog workshop schedule


Thanks so much for visiting!