Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Juanita and my new DVD

I received this wonderful email last week:
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:45 AM
Subject: Watercolor DVD
Dear Jane,
I am writing to let you know how much I am enjoying your new DVD. I purchased it from Interweave Press last week. I am a quilter with NO art background and yesterday I was able to sketch my first apple. Today I opened my little box of watercolors and with the incredible water brush (love it) I was able to do my very first art piece. Perhaps not a masterpiece, but I DID IT!
I have looked over the years at books teaching how to sketch and paint, but being so left-brained I found them too difficult and became very frustrated. Watching your DVD I was able to follow your ease of teaching method and can honestly say I can do it. Thanks so much for making the DVD and please do another one soon.

I was so pleased, I asked Juanita to send me some of her watercolors..

Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:18 AM
Hi Jane,
Little scared to send these to you but you have to remember I have no art talent or background. I've been trying to do a watercolor a day and have viewed the DVD atleast 5 times. It's a little hard to get that right brain thing going, but I am enjoying the trip.

Juanita's first watercolors

Juanita's first watercolors

Juanita's first watercolors
So, in honor of Juanita, and her wonderful review of my new DVD From Art Journaling to Art: Drawing, Watercolor, and More Techniques for the Mixed-Media Artist with Jane LaFazio I'm giving away a copy! Leave a comment, and tell me a little about your own drawing and watercolor experience. I'll select a random winner on Saturday, April 30. You'll need to check back on that date to see if your name was called.
My new DVD


  1. Oh, I would love to win. I recently seen your work in a magazine and started doing some watercolours myself. I even bought the book you recommended.

  2. how excited to get that kind of feedback!!!.....i've read Danny Gregory's 'Creative License' book, loved it! and have been reading 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain'......AND --- i LOVE your work and love to see it turned into fiber art.

  3. I've been drawing since I was a little girl, when my mom taught art in my girl scout troop. I love drawing from nature. and I loved Juanita's apple! Would love a copy of dvd.

  4. Your approach to watercolor painting makes it fun and easy to follow. Thank you for sharing your talents!

  5. What a wonderful idea! I first heard of this video in the C,P,S blog/newsletter and was intrigued. Now that I see a second testimony, I am excited. I took an art sampling course in college. I've been reading Melanie Testa's blog a lot lately, and recent posts on watercolor have got me wanting to try it. I'd love to win the DVD.

  6. I have dreamed of being able to paint forever! Buts its so hard trying to learn on your own. I had pretty much givin up thinking that I just didnt have it in me. But this year I relized that you can "learn" these skills! I would love this dvd to help me on my quest!

  7. Hi Jane:
    I'm a self-taught artist in the making and recently purchased your "small art quilts" DVD--it's wonderful and I've learned so much! I'm ready for the next phase, and the next, and the next...I would love to win this give-away--Thanks so much for the opportunity! Pam =)

  8. Bravo, Juanita!!
    And thanks, Jane, for doing this giveaway. I've taken a couple of your online sketching classes, which gave me a great start to painting and drawing. I think the DVD would be a great follow-up!!

  9. It was very inspiration to see how someone with no art background can still create lovely art. I have zero talent and training, I think your DVD would help me get more confidence. I used to love to draw and doodle (not saying I was any good!) when I was younger, I haven't really tried for a long time - life and the ideal of perfection got in the way!

  10. I would love your DVD! I have done drawing lessons by mail, from books and I have attended weekend workshops.

  11. I'd love to have it -- I'm just getting into being an artist after having been a writer all my life, and I'm enjoying watercolor journaling.

  12. I am glad that you shared Juanita's story and sketches. It is heartwarming to hear of someone else's triumphs - large and small!! I just discovered your blog last Fall and have loved your focus on the little things around us. Your posts have me looking at the stuff around my house with a "new eye" and sketchbook in hand. Thank you!!!!

  13. I have been following your blog for a couple of months and am trying to step out of my box a bit. This DVD might be just the thing for me to try. Would love to win it.

  14. I would love to win. I often wish that you would do a retreat here in Palm Springs. I would love some direction in how to better capture the essence of our desert valley in my sketchbook.

  15. I would love to win this book as my art skills are sad. I try but just have never been able to see... and translate that to paper.

  16. Hi Jane, Juanita's comments convinced me to try to win this DVD. If she can do it, I can do it. I have no experience with sketching and watercolors, but I would dearly love to learn how to capture moments and things that move me. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  17. After a number of starts and stops, I'd love to see your DVD and get inspired once again. Juanita's drawings and your blog make me think it may be possible to achieve success.

  18. I was introduced to your wonderful watercolor drawings when I joined the Sketchbook Challenge in January. Since then I have been trying to figure out how to make it to one of your classes. I've been using watercolor pencils and crayons in my sketchbook and really love the medium, but I feel like I could use some direction. Your DVD may be just what I need, at least until I can save up to take your workshop in Mexico next year =)

  19. I have been drawing and painting watercolors as time allows for many years, but I would LOVE to develope a daily sketchbook habit. I hope your DVD will be the boost I need. If I'm not the lucky winner I will buy it. Thanks for the chance!

  20. I was forced to take Science Illustration in college to complete my Art History degree, and it was the best thing I was ever made to do! I was terrible, but I kept at the sketching and watercolor journaling. I'm still at it, although not as much as I'd like. I cannot get enough of watercolor journal pages, and that's why I love your blog!

  21. Beth Spencer4/27/2011 12:18 PM

    I think I found you on the EDM site quite some time ago. Had actually signed up for a class in SD, but, my travel plans changed and I had to cancel. Was happy to see your dvd is now available.

  22. I took your class at Create last summer and really took to your technique. I especially liked that you 'rehearsed' the sketching motion in the air first, then used a pencil and then 'corrected' it on the paper with the india ink pen. That removed the "make it perfect the FIRST time" pressure. I need to do more of this. I even bought one of your sketches that day and so enjoy it here at work!

  23. I would say Juanita is on her way! Thank you, Jane, for sharing your gifts and talents with so many; and helping us to find our voice.

  24. I love sketching but never seem to make time for it. Why is that? I need to make a sketching habit...does your DVD cover that? ;)

  25. I am just starting to keep a sketchbook and art journal and would love to receive your DVD! I loved the preview video excerpt.
    ~ Karen

  26. I have started painting more this year than ever before !
    I find that if I carry my paper and supplies with me, I always find some time to be creative!! I would Enjoy your book/dvd very very Much!!!


    Happy Arting!


  27. I own a collection of 66 Rembrandt watercolors purchased years ago for $10 at a tag sale and have yet to use them except to slosh on loose backgrounds. I have admired you style so it is no surprise that I have been eyeing this DVD long and hard!

  28. Thanks to Juanita for inspiring the give-away! I really haven't drawn until I started participating in the Sketchbook Challenge this year, and I can see improvements in my sketchbook since the beginning of the year - just by purposefully drawing on a regular basis! Watercolor is the next frontier for me . . .

    So imagine if I had a little real instruction . . .

  29. I have just started to follow the Sketchbook Challenge. In the past I have done lots of stitching, but drawing and painting is something I have never been really comfortable with. If I am not the random winner of your DVD, I really ought to buy it.

  30. goldendoglady4/27/2011 4:39 PM

    hi Jane -- I have taken two of your online watercolor/sketch classes and loved both of them -- my sketching has improved greatly -- I am looking forward to your new online classes in the fall -- I would love to go to Orvieto with you in 2012 -- I am saving my pennies -- since tomorrow (April 28) is my birthday I would love to win your dvd -- would be a great birthday present -- you are truly an inspiration to everyone -- I especially love the work you do with the children -- thanks for all that you do :0)

  31. I'm another one with no drawing or painting experience. I'd love to have the ability to draw but nothing I have tried so far has worked -- not even 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain'. Maybe your book would work ...

  32. I LIVE for art, and I want to get good at sketching. You are one of my idols, and I follow you around online like a puppy! I would LOVE to have this DVD!!!!! Thanks for the random chance to win!

  33. I was very impressed with Juanita's words. I joined the sketchbook challenge, bought the sketch book and have never done one entry. I really want to draw, but something keeps stopping me, could be fear of failure.
    Anyway....maybe your DVD is the key that unlocks my hesitation!!

  34. You are so inspiring, I followed your Denim studio box tutorial and made my very own. I am a beginner with watercolor and would benefit from your DVD if I am the lucky recipient.

  35. GREAT sketches Juanita!! I know that Jane is a WONDERFUL teacher! I have taken one all-day sketching workshop with Jane, and two online sketching classes. I am also looking forward to a new/third online sketching class from Jane this Fall on Joggles! Hope many of you will join in on the FUN there!

  36. Have just recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading it and accessing some of your archived info. It has also been fun to follow your blog links to other great artists. I have been an artist for many years and still dream of being a full time artist! Would love to win your is always a treat to see another artist's technique and I already love your style! Thanks for being so generous!!

  37. Somehow recently I found my way to the Sketchbook challenge. I've recently had a little illness and am using the unexpected quiet time to try to actually DO some creative expression. I've quilted, knit and felted. I don't know why some of us, and certainly I, find painting so intimidating. But I don't need to be in your drawing because i JUST bought your DVD. It's in the mail right now from interweave. I also got a DVD from Kelli Nina Perkins. I'm so excited - I can't wait till they arrive. Thanks for your inspirational blog.

  38. You were my very first instructor at my very first Art Unraveled, three years ago, Jane, teaching your watercolor sketching class. You've been an inspiration ever since! Lorie Garver

  39. How wonderful!
    These watercolor paintings from Juanita are priceless. I love it when a student will share their art work with you... so full of life and excitement!
    I find watercolors to be a "playful" medium.
    So, I use watercolors in a series, using a picasso theme. :]

  40. Juanita did a wonderful job. Your dvd most be great. I just started sketching and some watercolors about a year ago and really enjoy your blog.

  41. Hi Jane, I would really love to win this DVD. I have followed your blog for a while and just love to get peeks of your journaling. I also love to look at your flicker images of your journal. It is so inspiring. I have your DVD on my birthday wish list (Apr 28) so I am crossing my fingers.

  42. I have very little drawing and no watercolor this would be a great start!

  43. I would love to win your DVD. I've taken your sketching & watercolor: journal style class from Joggles and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm signing up for a watercolor class at our senior center to make me get out my watercolors again and practice. Your DVD would a wonderful addition to my watercolor journey. Thank you for the opportunity to win it.

  44. You are the reason I took up watercolor. I am in love with the Sketchbook journaling. I get your FeedBlitz and I so enjoy your your drawings. They look so easy but that is misleading. My goal is to make art like you do.
    Thank you for the visuals you send me.

  45. I have never used watercolours, just watercolour pencils, which I'm struggling a bit with. So I would love to win your DVD and develop my practice. I'm a painter, in acrylics, but would like to also use watercolours.
    And what sweet feedback you received from Juanita! ~Sara

  46. Well done Juanta; I love where you're going with your first artworks. Thanks Jane for offering a fantastic giveaway. Me too; I'm a newbie to this scene and like Juanita, no background, but am greatly inspired by you and others who blog their talents in this direction. I'm loving 'experimenting' and practicing often, and hoping that I can learn more by just 'doing'.

  47. Such a positive respsonse, and wonderful fee expression from Juanita - keep it comming. Georgina Greenwood

  48. What a great celebration of a fan's new-found creativity! I took your water-color sketch class last December in San Diego and agree with her 100%--you are a great teacher. I already use my sketches in my fabric work, but I can't wait to get more inspiration from your new DVD.

  49. Love your blog! Drawing - how I wish I could sit down and draw what I see and it come out something recognizable! Your artwork inspires me. Thanks for all your sharing

  50. Thanks for sharing Juanita's story. I can appreciate her excitement with learning to see things in a new way and being able to paint them. I love to draw but feel frustrated at not really knowing what to do with all my sketches. Your DVD would really help!

  51. Loved to win! Cant get myself to start withthe watercolor really, I feel a little bit stuck!
    Enjoying your blog and work!

  52. I'm just a beginner at visual journalling (I won't even call it "art" journalling yet!), I've done a few online classes, 2 in-person drawing classes, read a lot in books and online, and I'm having fun!

    If I were to win the giveaway, I wouldn't need your DVD for myself as I already have it (and recommend it!), but I have a friend who is going through a really rough time. She is also just starting art journalling and I would love to be able to give her your DVD.

  53. Gee....if Juanita can do it maybe I can too! This could be fun!

  54. I enjoyed your first online watercolor workshop so much - I go back through the lessons and then look at my little paintings and pat myself on my back LOL! No they aren't wonderful but taking the workshop MADE me do it and it is something I have always wanted to do. I did several drawings/paintings(not as many as I planned) while in Florida but when I got home life interfered and it all sits lonely on the counter. (long story - 41 yo dd diagnosed w/breast cancer the day we got home) Good pathology news and I am going to celebrate w/a painting of a pink ribbon! I would love to win the dvd!
    Martha Ann

  55. I have been following your blog since I started the Sketchbook Challenge. I love your style of sketching and painting. I'm pretty new to watercolors and would love to win a copy of your DVD. I don't have an art background and have been learning as I go.

  56. Hi Jane. Can you help an uptight artist?? I have a number of sketchbooks that I have trouble going back to. Why?...because I often get to that place where they are too nice to screw up and they cease being what they are supposed to be....a SKETCHbook rather than a Masterpiece book. Perhaps it's because once upon a time I was a trained draftsman where every line must be just so...where pencils were spun in the hand to ensure the lead width remained the exact same over the length of a line. See...UPTIGHT! Anyway, I love your loose style and I can use a kick in the pants to help me get there myself...does your DVD come with big "a**-kickin'"boots?

  57. I went to art school and did the most sketching when kids were little and wanted dinos,trucks and trains..funny! Now i like to sketch motifs or details I see when traveling. Mostly colored pencils and markers.Would love to win this to improve my work and use it for textile art.

  58. Hi Jane
    I too like Juanita have always wanted to draw, and I already bought your DVD. I don't need to be in your drawing. My question is how does one learn NOT to fill in the entire area but to leave white spots for sparkle? I am having so much fun drawing, and am so enjoying "getting lost" in what I'm doing. I want to do some sketches like your everyday utensils or whatever you call it. I LOVED learning about putting a simple frame around things. Are there any principles behind the framing to help one know what frame to use?
    Thanks again for this DVD!

  59. Oh, I'd LOVE to win your DVD!!! I am always trying to find new ways to keep learning how to draw. I love your journaling pages for the inspiration but need some practical tips on how to do it.

    Congratulations to Juanita! Her pages are wonderful and so inspiring!!

    Thank you both for sharing.

  60. I have always had the feeling that maybe somehow I could learn to sketch. Your DVD sounds like the answer! Love your work and your fantastic blog. Atie

  61. I recently took a class and am actually starting to draw and paint! I did my first one last night of a daisy. I have a lot of practicing to do! I love Jane's style and only hope I can draw well some day. I need a teacher! I'm taking Jane's class in August on-line - already signed up! Jan

  62. I have your first video and just love it.Also took your recommendation an bought D. Gregory's book.Love it too! Would love to win this new video. I so enjoy what you do.

  63. I'm LOVING all these great comments!! thanks everyone! drawing will be this Saturday, April 30.

  64. I have always wanted to learn to draw. I even have about 4 or 5 different sketchbooks but can't seem to get past the fear. I think your DVD just might do the trick. Thanks for the chance.

  65. My drawing isn't very good. Maybe your tutelage would help!

  66. I am only now starting to keep a journal -- I have never felt that I could draw, this DVD sounds like it would be just the ticket to keep me going.

  67. Wow! Juanita did a great job...I can't believe it's her first time.
    I love watercolor painting except I don't do much of it because I actually find it harder than regular acrylic or oil.
    I have been trying to do some lately and it's wonderful. I just use a cheap watercolor tray I bought in Joanne's fabric store.
    I would love to win the DVD so enter me in!
    Thank you so much!

  68. I'd love to win - like Juanita, I'm way on the left brain side and her story is so inspiring. Congrats to both of you.

  69. I stopped drawing when I was a small child because someone said I "couldn't draw" That voice is still there but I would love to draw! I would love to win this so I could try again!!

  70. Recently I began working with mixed media and am pleased with my results so far. I would benefit from your DVD if I am the lucky receipient.

  71. Hi...I would love to have a copy of your DVD! I do not draw but I would like to learn. I am pretty afraid of it and avoid it but I want to be able to design art quilts and drawing will help me plan. Thank you! Elise B.

  72. How cool it must have felt to receive those emails, Jane! You go, girl!

    My sketching and watercolors are, well, sketchy - I do them in fits and starts. The good news is, I've become much more relaxed about whether they are "good" or not. And I owe that in large part to you and Danny Gregory. (Really.) Thank you!

  73. I'm a HUGE fan of your work (and of you!) One of these days I'll be lucky enough to be one of your students. In the meantime I would love to win your DVD. Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway!

  74. my most recent experience with a water color class involved the teacher erasing my row boat and redrawing it! I felt like I was back in 8th grade - when my art teacher redrew my blue bird - I'm hopeless - really need your book!

  75. I have only done a tiny bit of watercoloring. Hopefully, I will learn more and then do more soon.

  76. Jane: I love your art and want to make my own. I love drawing but I don't have any experience with watercolor. (don't know what to buy, don't know how to paint with it, etc.) I didn't become an artist because my parents talked me out of it. Now I am an empty nester and want to be an artist! Don't you think your DVD would help me out? :)
    ~Shari Adams

  77. I'm one of those who sort of "hides" in fabric and surface design because I have a hard time letting myself become a "true artist" (read drawer or painter!)
    I know this is silly, and there's a part that's yearning to bust out and claim my abilities and the value of one more visual "voice" in the world.

    Your approach seems so, well, approachable! Thanks for the inspiration and I sure would love to win!


  78. am just starting out in my watercolour journaling, encouraged by the two great classes I took with you online. But I am still very nervous at working in front of people and inclined to "chicken out" and take photos to draw from later...this tends to lose some of the immediacy and emotionalo response to the subject. But I am sure if I keep going I shall get better and braver.
    In the meantime, your blog continues to enlighten and encourage :-)

  79. This is so cool, I definitely could use help with watercolors.


  80. Having a one on one lesson with Jane would be awesome. thanks for the opportunity.

  81. Someone once told me, "Draw what you see" was drilled into her. So, I'm not talented, but I'm taking my time to try and draw. I really need to get better at drawing from my thoughts, I find it hard to "like" what I'm doing. Juanita did a great job, but even better was her confidence growth and enjoyment! Yay for her.

  82. I'd really love to win a copy of your DVD or Laura's book. I'm one of those people who believe they can't draw and would love to learn. Thanks!

  83. I painted watercolors pretty regularly for a few years, but I took a break. I paint every once in a while. I draw sometimes, but feel as though things are out of proportion most of the time. I recently took Carla Sonheim's Silly Drawing class and it's fun to see that drawing can be fun and doesn't have to be so "right" all the time. I love guidance and ideas about painting and drawing, so I'd LOVE to win this DVD.

  84. Now I can finally read the blogger comments. I hope it's not too late for this drawing! I'm hoping that if I saw your dvd that I'd return my drawing skills to my college art levels. I used to be pretty good, but now am out of practice. I need to journal daily!

  85. Jane, your style is so much fun and you have such an upbeat attitude! You are so generous on your site with ideas, tips and tricks.Thank you!
    I've taken watercolor classes but am so intimidated by drawing. I would love to have the dvd to look at again and again.

  86. I just ran across this wonderful book. I have to have it after reading the review and seeing her art. Thanks for the chance to win.

  87. I very much enjoy learning new techniques and mastering the basics. I'm a multimedia artist with a wide range of interests and love developing and improving my style.


Thanks so much for visiting!