Friday, April 29, 2011

Laura's new book

My pal Laura Wasilowski has a new book out! Fanciful Stitches and Colorful Quilts. As you know, I'm a big fan of hand stitching and  this book not only gives you some instructions for easy, effective embroidery stitches, but clearly proves that hand stitching adds so much to a quilt!  Look at all the yummy stitches on Laura's quilt below!
 Laura Wasilowski fused quilt with hand stitching.

The book includes 11 full size templates to make an assortment of whimsical houses, from houseboats, to tree houses, to windmills.

TRUE CONFESSION: And even though I have taught art quilts for the last 6 years, to hundreds of people, I really wasn't clear on fusing till I read Laura's instructions in the book. I know. embarrassing huh? This book has taught me the importance of release paper! 
And, I love Laura's hand dyed threads, and consider them a staple in my thread palette. (The cotton 12 is my fave)

1.  I had the chance to ask Laura few questions:  
 J  JL: Laura, I love that you dye threads and fabrics and sell them as part of your business. When did you start doing that, and how did it come about?
LWWhen you're a dyer you'll dye anything from shoelaces to underwear. So after a class long ago in dyeing varigated warps for weaving, I realized I was not a weaver. But the idea of hand dyeing thread for embroidery soon captured my imagination. The appeal is that the thread colors match with the brilliantly hand dyed fabrics I make. And the change of color within a skein adds movement and texture to surface of the quilt.

JL: How did you decide to focus on house shapes for this book? And how many books have you written?
LW: The theme of houses evolved from my small art quilt series called housing department. Here's my method of creating art. Pick a theme, make quilt after quilt based upon that theme and then you don't have to think of an idea for a long time.
Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts is my third and most favorite book.

And  since it's give-away city here at JaneVille this week, you can win a copy of Laura's new book, Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Stitches. Leave a comment for a chance to win--and just for fun tell me what would be the theme of your house quilt. I'll choose a random winner on Monday, May 2. (Sorry, but just North American addresses are eligible.)


  1. If it's Friday.....must be another chance to win a copy of Laura's book!

  2. Nice to know that all of the big-time instructors can't possibley know everything that's out there and that you keep learning too! Makes me feel MUCH better, thank you Jane for your confession! Please include me in the give-away!

  3. I'm just finishing a house quilt for one of my granddaughters. The houses are wonky and fun with lots of colour and lots of dots. This is my first time to your blog; but I'm here to stay. Thanks for the chance to win. Jan

  4. I would love to be more artsy with my quilting. I am one who needs to see, read and touch to be encouraged to try new techniques. Of course, being a Florida native, my houses should be beach huts!

  5. I would love to do house quilts using historical buildings that are in my town and neighborhood. But I would make do folk art and whonky.


  6. I would love to win this book. The theme of my house would be "picking up the pieces and stitching them back together" for the times when we think things are falling apart but we forget that we can patch it together again. Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. MMM... I live in a small coastal community and have thought of making a quilt depicting our community. This book looks like an incredible addition. Thanks

  8. I would love to win a copy of Laura's new book. I love creating the little houses in fabric.

  9. I have never created houses in my quilts. Lately I have been doing trees, but there might be room for a house under a tree. I might like to try making a whole neighborhood of quilts. Great interview article!

  10. I know I would have lots of flowers around my house. I would love to own Laura's book.

  11. I've been an apartment-dweller all my life, so I think it would be fun to reflect that in a "house" quilt! I read Jan's comment about wonky houses and that appealed to me, too - so maybe some wonky apartments?? Hmm.....

    Thank you for doing the giveaways, Jane!

  12. My theme would be Rumi's poem "THe Guest House." I'm in the midst of a series using this poem as inspiration. ANd I love Laura's work and could use tips on fusing!

  13. Thanks for sharing this, Jane. That colorful cover beckons!

  14. My theme would be coming to Nanny's house (me). We have a new 10month old GD and a new 2wk GREATGD .... my house is busy busy.


  15. Laura was one of the first people who made me understand what art quilting is all about. I've admired her work for a long time. Had no idea that she sells hand-dyed threads and fabrics, either!

    If I were going to do a house quilt -- hmm -- I'd want to try it in 3D. Maybe make it like a jack-in-the-box, with a person bursting out of the roof....

  16. I would do a small village with a variety of houses and name it Jewelled Village. Thank you for this opportunity Jane. I would love to own this book.

  17. The theme for my house quilt would be "Colorful Dream House" bright cheerful colors (like Laura's) and a dream house built around a studio space would be great! Thank you for a chance to win Laura's new book! And your work is fabulous, too!

  18. Let's see, the theme of my house quilt would be something fruity...a pear shaped cozy bungalow sounds good!

  19. The theme of my house would be a house full of bunnies! Or a house bunnies would love to live in, full of edible plants and veggies and basil, their favorite.
    Heather at

  20. My house would be a school house in memory of my career as a teacher.

  21. I love Laura's books and art quilts! I also use house themes ALL the time! A house full of hearts with colorful fabrics would be my theme. Thanks for this generous offer!!

  22. Wow! This book looks awesome, I would love to win it!! It is just something that I would love to learn how to do!!

  23. I keep trying to win this book. Hopefully one of these times I will. Love your site and hope to be able to learn to draw like you someday. I'm in the drawing for your dvd too. LOL My houses would be wonky and full of color.


  24. I would focus on barns. I love the shapes, doors, colors. If not barns, then I would focus on doors. Maybe doors that are 3-D organza with messages written inside. Thanks for the opportunity Jane and Laura. I have Laura's other books and look forward to adding this one to my library.

  25. sellison@berkeley.edu4/29/2011 11:43 AM

    The theme of my house quilt would be birdhouses!

    Sandy in CA

  26. I love your header, it's so interesting---I need to go back and look at it again.
    Thank you for having the drawing and good luck to everyone.


  27. Jane,
    After taking several of your classes I enjoy reading your blog to see what new things you're doing. Now I may be able to win Laura's new book too. It's a good day.

  28. "My ugly 50s ranch house is a Victorian Painted Lady in Deep Disguise"

    Now, of course, that image is in my head and You Know What I Have to Do....


  29. i love getting to know neighbors and creating neighborhoods - in friendships, online groups, organizations - so creating quilts with houses on them cries out to me - I would love to find new secrets in the book!

  30. Love the looks of this book. The theme of my house quilt would be miniature old fashioned houses.

    jane1 at cp-tel dot net

  31. I would love a copy of this book. I am pretty new to hand stitching, and am always searching for information and techniques. I would love to do a house quilt with a green theme, incorporating leaves, trees, and of course a house-cat!

  32. Looks like a great book! My house quilt would be pretty wonky I think.

  33. The theme of my house quilt would be the "my house-before." My neighbor cut down or shared tree on President's Day (the trunk was on his property). It was a large ornamental cherry and they are in bloom everywhere. I miss it and would show my row home with the tree still alive and beautiful.


  34. My house theme would be nature oriented. I think the house would be more of a background and the trees, flowers, etc. would be the main areas showcasing each side of the house. Hmmm...must start drawing.

  35. Just discussed fusing with a group of experienced fusers and I am still confused about what to use. So I'd love that book.
    If I made a house right now, I'd wet felt it, since I am currently the queen of roving.

  36. Would love to win this book for me and for my young friend that I am teaching sewing to.


  37. A friend just returned from the U.K.
    I think my theme would be
    "thatch-roof cottage". Of course there would be plenty of posies also.

  38. Honestly I have never made a quilt in my life--but I would love to try! I would make it a nature based theme.

  39. I would love to win a copy of Laura's book. I took a class with her at the Quilters of South Carolina Spring Meeting last year. I love her whimisical work, and love her stitching style.

    My theme for my house quilt would be a bird house or a tree house.


    kalfarwig at bellsouth dot net

  40. Thank you for the chance to win Laura's book! I think the theme of my house would be a ski chalet, because it's still snowing here.

  41. I'd love to win Laura's book. It looks fabulous!

  42. I would love to win this book. I do fuse for my dog quilts but like the idea of learning more. My house quilt would have many of the different, interesting mail boxes in my neighborhood.

  43. My theme would be "what makes a house a home.\

    I love Laura's style, and I've just started to incorporate some hand-stitching into my work since purchasing some of Laura's yummy dyed pearl cottons.\


  44. Looks like a wonderful book, would love to win it.


  45. Laura's book would be helpful to learn how to do fusible applique and her embroidery methods. My house mini quilt will be called "Mama's House" to honor my mother. We already call her flower and vegetable garden "Mama's Garden" and every garden needs a house! Thanks for the giveaway of Fanciful Stitches

  46. It sounds like a great book. I need a new one to inspire me

  47. I have some fused projects that I've started and gotten into a "What Now?" place. Perhaps with Laura Wasilowski's information about fusing I'll find the answers I need to finish a few of these projects. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  48. gayle - squetcher4/30/2011 7:22 AM

    I always put some sort of hand stitching on any piece I make because I like texture. Laura's book looks fascinating.
    The theme of my house would be "Love Lives Here".

  49. I love what Laura Wasilowski does! If I did a house quilt series, the theme would be houses I want to see inside.

  50. I do love your blog Jane! I love Laura's threads too!

  51. I would have an 'OPen House" themed quilt, where you can see through the rooms, just like a doll house.! I love Laura's work, and the new book looks terrific. Thanks for a chance to win!

  52. This is a book several people in my family would have fun with. Yes, we know some of the stitches but from the pics you share it looks like a book bringing the fanciful to reality. Sounds really nice.

  53. I love Laura's work. Have one of her books and refer to it a lot. I would make a waterfront house quilt. Would sure love to have this book.

  54. I would have to do crazy houses of the Western NC mountains

  55. Thanks for being on the tour for Laura's book, Jane! I have a New Jersey mailing address. Thanks for counting me in.

  56. Looks like a great book for those of use who like to embellish our work with lots of stitches. I would so love to have a copy of this book.

    And I am loving your DVD, Jane!

  57. I would so LOVE to win a copy of Laura's book!! Thank you for doing this blog-hop give-away.

    I think i'd probably have to try to make some version of EACH of Laura's houses. She showed a preview of her book on her blog, and i love *every one* of them!

  58. Oh, the cover looks so cheerful! I would love to escape to that sweet world for a while.... A nice and cozy little cottage, trees, flowers: bliss!

  59. I enjoy Japanese architecture so I think I would try a traditional house. Hope this gets through - I'm getting error messages when I try to post and I really want a chance for a book!

  60. I'm inspired to do a series of "Polka Dot Dwellings!". I've touched Laura's book but haven't purchased it yet. I've been too busy creating Jane LaFazio inspired watercolors.
    Love, love, love your video.

  61. I like the idea of hand stitching - it's so calming. My house might feature the old time cottages seen along the coast of Maine.

  62. I would love her book. I love her stuff...the bright colors, being a kauaigirl transplanted to da UP I miss all those bright vibrant colors of Kauai. I remember Caryl Fallert and Doreen Speckmann and Joan Wolfman, to name afew, who wold rave about all the natural light in my studio...which i just took for that I live in the northwoods, I miss all the natural light. But I do love it up here except no warm Pacific to swim in everyday...lakes just dont cut it :-)

  63. Thanks for hosting the giveaway Jane! I'd likely start with traditional houses and would love Laura's book.

  64. I'd like to do one to commemorate my grandparent's house, with rose bushes and lemon trees.
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  65. My theme would be thatch-roofed cottages with roses climbing by the front door and white picket fences.

  66. Would love a copy of this book! Happy spring!

  67. Keeping my fingers crossed that I win this book, and let me tell you, it's really hard typing this message with crossed fingers. LOL Thank-you for offering your blog readers a chance to get a free copy of this book. Diane

  68. Debby Thompson5/01/2011 10:37 PM

    Thanks for the inspiration - I love your blog! I enjoy embroidery and quilting but have not combined them as much as I would like to learn to do. This book looks fun! My house would be the love shack!

  69. Thank you for the give-away! The theme of my house would be "Beach Cottage."
    ~ Karen


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