Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beatrice Wood in Ojai

view from Beatrice Wood home
Just home from Ojai, California. I have a special place in my heart for landscapes like these. Green rolling hills and oak trees.
view from Beatrice Wood home
These are the views from Beatrice Wood's home and Studio.
view from Beatrice Wood home
why look! My favorite Matilija poppies, right ouside her window!
beatrice quotes

beatrice studio
Her studio.
beatrice glazes
She was a potter, and well known for her amazing luminous, metallic glazes. These are her actual glazes, and the formulas still a secret to everyone.
beatrice quotes
Did I mention she lived to be 105, working and living creatively, in this home,  right up to her death.


  1. I had the pleasure of meeting her in her studio in her later years (but still working a bit each day). It was an enlightening experience!! She led quite a life!!

  2. What a remarkable woman and her studio locale is beautiful. Thanks Jane for sharing this.

  3. She is one of my idols. I hope to emulate that working well into old age. We were near Ojai earlier this week and are now out in the desert - heading home tomorrow. I too have an infinity for that quintessential CA landscape of live oaks and rolling hills.

  4. Chellie Buzzeo5/16/2011 12:05 PM

    WOW. That is very inspirational. I love her response about longevity. What a great question, too. It makes me want to ask creative friends what 3 things keep them going.

  5. What an inspiration!!! I'm wishing the same longevity and spice in life for you, me, and all of our friends.


  6. Her saris, her jewelry, her pottery... She was an amazing character and an inspiration to me as a woman/potter/artist. Did you know she inspired James Cameron - for the character of Rose in Titanic? At the opening of the movie? I am sure everyone already knows this, but felt it worth a mention...

  7. Hey Jane! The Oceanside Museum of Art (you know that place!) opens a show of Beatrice Wood's work this Saturday, May 21 with a talk by Co-Curator David VanGilder at 2:00.

    Here's the info: THE VIRGIN'S DREAM: Beatrice Wood Drawings and Ceramics
    May 21 - September 10, 2011

    Meet the Co-Curator David VanGilder
    Saturday, May 21
    VanGilder will lecture “Kissed Again Part of the Bargain” and hear him discuss his life
    with Beatrice Wood from 1985-1995.
    2:00 p.m.

  8. Now if I could just find those young men!

  9. thanks for sharing the photos and info and quotes about Beatrice Wood. I am very inspired.


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