Monday, June 27, 2011

Montecito Family Summer camp ~ the art

the view
My version of the scene below.  I taught two classes every morning, with students from age 5-75.
@mt view students

Student work ~ the dad   student work~ the dad's 7 year old daughter
Above are student's work, the dad's is on the left and his 7 year old daughters' is on the right.
pine cone 2


@lake view students

near the lake montecito
near the lake

Student work ~ the dad   student work~ the dad's 7 year old daughter
That same delightful dad's work is on the left and his 7 year old daughters' is on the right. (of the scene above)

hiking boot
I also did some work in mixed media journal for the workshop I'm teaching (with the talented Linda Blinn)  in San Clemente, CA July 9 & 10, 10am-4pm. (It's a mixed media sketchbook class, and there's still time to sign up!)
journal 1

montecito journal
A glorious week of drawing and painting on location.


  1. Une très belle publication sur une nature en fête... gros bisous.

  2. It looks lovely there. What a nice experience. It's fun to see the different samples.

  3. Beautiful, Jane. I especially admire the pine cone--how did you do that, without getting lost:-?

  4. Jane your demo paintings are gorgeous. I love the way the colors flow into one another. My goal when we meet in Utah!

  5. This post is great fun, Jane.

  6. Tricia Dally8/25/2011 8:50 AM

    Hi Jane,
    These are beautiful!!! I love your work!!! Thanks for being a wonderful "Artist of the Week!"
    Tricia Dally


Thanks so much for visiting!