Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prayer Flag # 3 for Christine Taylor

prayer flag 3
I'm making prayer flags and invite you to join me. All the details are on The Prayer Flag Project blog.
prayer flag 3
This flag is for the late Christine Taylor. She was a friend of mine from yoga class, and she died last year of breast cancer. She was 45 years old. At her memorial service, her brother described her as having "boundless warmth, humility and curiousity." That description soooo resonated with me, that I knew that I wanted to have my life guided by those qualities. (I now wear a bracelet, engraved with those words, to remind myself.)

prayer flag 3  prayer flag 3
For Christine.

prayer flag 3   prayer flag 3
I'm making these flags from gelatin monoprints on cloth. This one, I even stuffed with a bit of lavender. Christine would have loved it.
The Prayer Flag Project


  1. Jane.. such a lovely tribute to a friend. Thanks for sharing. Got my Quilt Houston packet in the post. Am excited to see you this fall, dear friend!

  2. I agree, those are definitely words to live by!!

  3. What an amazing epitaph--I love these words. Such a sweet tribute!

  4. I think that was so beautiful a tribute to her, bet she knows it too.

  5. What a special tribute for such a beautiful woman. I have begun my prayer flags and love how much inspiration I get when choosing a word or image of something that means a lot to me. I am stitching mine and using some inks also. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful, Jane, the memory, the words, the flag....
    I stitched one, and it is flapping in the wind right now, asking to bring rain where it is needed. Right here, for example, would be nice...

  7. So beautiful, Jane - I may have to join this project. Last month I lost my closest cousin, also 45 years old. Prayer flags would be a good way of processing grief and hope . . . . {hugs to you}


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