Saturday, July 02, 2011

Horseback Riding!

horseback riding
A girl and her horse. Ha! It's me, riding the Sunrise Trail at Montecito Sequoia last week.
horseback riding
I've only ridden a few times in my life, the most recent, about 2 years ago, for 1/2 hour, another time, 20 years ago and then 40 years before that! Each time I visit Montecito, I try one new thing. (In the past it's been archery and riflery.) Needless to say I was a bit nervous. I took an hour long lesson with 3 other girls. (As in 10 year old girls!)
horseback riding
I learned to steer and stop and trot my gentle horse Snowy.
horseback riding
The day after my lesson, I did a trail ride for a little over an hour. You know, I'm proud of myself. It's good to be a little afraid, to try new things, and to learn a new skill. 


  1. Well done Jane. What an adventure and I think Snowy looks so sweet. Makes me want to ride again (may be one day).....ann.

  2. You both look beautiful. I really like Snowy's bangs. I haven't ridden in over 30 years, but now I may have to call one of the cousin's for a date with her horse. Have a glorious Fourth!

  3. I'm proud of you, too! I haven't ridden in probably 30 or 40 years. But I had a horse when I was a teen. Her name was Becky. She was as nice and gentle as Snowy looks.

  4. It's very very good to try a new thing!
    I love your photos!



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