Saturday, July 02, 2011

Prayer Flag # 4 ~ an early morning walk

prayer flag # 4

prayer flag # 4
An early morning walk... a blessing for the whole day."  Henry David Thoreau.

prayer flag # 4          prayer flag # 4
You'll recognize my pinecone painting from here
prayer flag # 4      prayer flag # 4
"Thoughts come clearly while one walks."  Thomas Mann
prayer flag # 4
For more information go to The Prayer Flag Project blog and if you make some flags post them on the flickr group.


  1. Another beautiful flag. How large are yours, Jane? Do you use the Prayer Flag Project size? Just curious!

  2. yes, I am following the specs that Vivika set up. Except, I realized I'm doing the 3" flap on the back instead of the front. hope she doesn't kick me out! :-)

  3. Not only are your prayer flags inspirational, I bet they look wonderful swaying in the breeze of your patio.

  4. They look larger, somehow.
    And Vivika would be crazy to throw out your flags because of the flap.
    Of course, I'm a flap-on-the-back person myself. No bias whatsoever...;)

  5. I am so inspired by your art and creativity. Your prayer flag #3 resonated very strongly with me. I'd love to do one of your workshops, let me know when you come to Iowa.

  6. Beautiful flag, beautiful thoughts. I can't wait to take a morning walk.

  7. Love your flags and the idea of using them for a morning walk. Great meditation idea and think I'll have to make some too. Thanks for sharing.

  8. These are beautiful flags Jane. You are so creative and it inspires others, thank you.


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