Monday, July 04, 2011

Handmade Felt

paprika and deep autumn detail
I made some felt at the workshop I taught in Idyllwild this past weekend.
deep autumn
I've begun stitching on this, I think it's going to be a pillow top. It's called "Deep Autumn."

deep autumn detail   deep autumn detail and soap
Details above of "Deep Autum" , with a felted bar of soap.
This one is called "Paprika" and will probably be a wall hanging.
paprika ~detail   paprika ~detail 1

paprika and deep autumn and budyy
Buddy likes them!
I love teaching felt making and will be teaching it again in LaJolla, CA in November, Fallbrook School of the Arts, (just north of San Diego) on January 27 & 28, and at the Alaska Fiber Festival in Anchorage, Alaska in March 2012.

I just updated my teaching schedule page, hope to see you in one of my workshops soon!

idyllwild art gallery felt boxes  idyllwild art gallery
My felt boxes are on display (and for sale) at the Idyllwild Arts Gallery.


  1. These are wonderful! I love the color. My dogs are crazy for my needle felting projects they can't help themselves when they get a whiff of the wool!

  2. cindy, I just ordered some cat toys made from wool from ETSY for my kitties. we'll see if they go crazy for it too!

  3. I just found your blog (via Danny Gregory) and WOW! I have enjoyed my visit and will be back again and again. It is so inspirational to see what others are doing - makes me want to go out and draw!

  4. Hi Jane, as a new Follower on your blog, I find your enthusiasm for the projects you undertake totally inspiring. Thank you for sharing your work online.

  5. I love these felted pieces. I started felting this year and I am loving it.

    Your felted work has inspired me to try new materials and colours. Thankyou.

  6. just love your creations as usual Janexx If only my broomstick would fly as far as your classes...l would be there like a shot! xx

  7. Jane.... you are my morning blog fix.... you wake up my creative juices! Your blog is the most creative and interesting... it's like visiting a candy shop only no calories. Thx for sharing SO much with us. I don't know how you do it all.


Thanks so much for visiting!